UVa law student says he made up racial profiling claim

<p>Remember our friend from last week? </p>

<p>Take this as you will: </p>

<p>UVa</a> law student says he made up racial profiling claim | Daily Progress</p>

<p>Honestly, if anything, I think this case demonstrates the perniciousness of an environment in which people feel free to incriminate others out of the blue by playing the "race card." I'm not trying to make a statement here, i just think that this is a shame and I would never want a person with such little personal integrity defending me in a court of law.</p>

<p>He’s allowed to lie. He goes to UVA Law. Let him be.</p>

<p>You’re right, who are we kidding here, after all he IS a law student… maybe he was just getting some field experience…</p>

<p>The honor system is taken very seriously at UVa. I imagine someone will file charges against him before the Honor Court. There is one penalty - permanent expulsion.</p>

<p>(When I went to UVa, the law school students were very involved in the Honor system, including serving as defense representatives for undergrad students).</p>

<p>The story didn’t make sense to begin with - the UVa and city cops are pretty mellow. Their main goal is to keep people from getting hurt.</p>

<p>A filthbag like him deserves to be expelled. This is worse than cheating on a test.</p>

<p>He will definitely be punished… UVA has one of the most respected honor codes in the country.</p>

<p>Where’s Frenchcoldplay when you want to gloat?</p>

<p>Ugh…people like that make me sick. What’s really a shame is that things like that really do happen and they go unnoticed or people don’t care because of people like him.</p>

<p>While it is understandable that cooking up a deceptive story may not have been the best way to command attention to the (real,not imagined)issue of racial profiling,this incident doesn’t exactly scream"disgusting" of “filthbag” to me.Yes,there was dishonesty.But racial profiling is a pertinent issue and people of colour do experience a lot of stigmatisation when it comes to law enforcement.How many black males have been wrongfully convicted for rape crimes after falsified witness testaments from white victims who clearly did not know what they were talking about?This has happened repeatedly yet this one incident is taking unwarranted predominance.I don’t get it.</p>

<p>I’m baffled as to why someone would create a thread about this in any event.It’s kind of a HEY-look-at-this-black-guy -who-lied-they’re-liars-I -tell-ya! kind of thing which is supremely childish in any event.</p>

<p>So where are the people on here who were condemning the entire South and talking about “sunset” towns on the thread about this last week? Hope they all apologize, just as this UVa law student should do.</p>

<p>It is ridiculous when people are that starved for attention…</p>

<p>I’m really surprised, if ony because he’ll most certainly get in trouble with the Honor Code. As others have said, UVa is known for having one of the strictest/best-enforced honor codes out there and I’ll be surprised if he isn’t suspended or expelled.</p>



<p>I created this thread because there was a thread on the same topic a couple of weeks ago that got pretty heated, with various people throwing around unfair stereotypes of Southerners and calling anyone who dare express a dissenting opinion a bigot and a racist. </p>

<p>And yes, we all know that “racial profiling” is a pertinent issue. This case has nothing to do with racial profiling. It has everything to do with a liar who took advantage of the environment we live in and made national headlines with his story, which surely has affected the reputation of the UVa police force both at home and across the nation. </p>

<p>Lastly, you know VERY well that that wasn’t my objective in making this thread, so quit trying to distract from the issue. I just wanted to see how the people who were getting all hysterical and accusatory over it in the last thread would react.</p>

<p>By the way, if the tables were turned and it was a white guy falsely accusing a black person of a similar thing, I’m willing to bet you’d be saying “filthbag” and “disgusting”… amirite?</p>

<p>Oh ****ing please, EVERYONE LIES IN THE COURTROOM</p>

<p>Oh, and another thing I thought of (while trying to study for finals, lol): if you’re really dedicated to the cause of ending racial discrimination in law enforcement, you should be outraged about this because now when more people come forward with legitimate cases of police harassment, they’ll be laughed at because of people like this guy that have “cried wolf.” There are better ways to bring publicity to an issue besides launching a character assassination.</p>


You are saying one(overexposed) incident in Virginia is going to have a massively transformative impact on the level of seriousness that law enforcement agents are going to treat future reports of police harrasment.Really?"No,sir,I am not going to listen to your police harrasment claim because once upon a time in Virginia a law student falsified a police harrassment case.Because of that purely evil misfit,I will no longer do my job thoroughly.Have a nice day."That’s a logical derivation,clearly.</p>


No,I shouldn’t,and I’m not.That would be a gross over-reaction.</p>


That scenario is virtually impossible if not totally meaningless.And,no,filthbag and disgusting would not be a sensible way to convey any distaste that I would NOT feel should this (impossible) situation ever arise,which it shall not.


<p>Really?I must be visually impaired ,because after seeing this :</p>


One naturally assumes the thread is about racial profiling.Clearly you interpret the obvious in your own unique way.</p>


Making national headlines is irrelevant.Snooki ,along with her poof,have made national headlines.Every celebrity obsession has made a national headline.That doesn’t make these issues any more topical or relevant.</p>


It’s wonderful that you have a crystal ball through which you can read my mind to the extent that can claim to know what I know “VERY” well.Problem is,you’re totally off track.Your motivation to RUSH to “expose” the wretched black liar from Virginia as the imposter that he surely is(<em>eye roll</em>) is awash with undertones of prejudice.Or to pay homage to your verbosity of choice,“disgusting.”</p>

<p>Enjoy your finals. :)</p>

<p>I really have nothing to add to what macmill said - the absolute GLEE which you posted this and the whole “see?! SEE?! THE MINORITY WAS LYING HAHAHAHAHA” undertones it reeks of? It kinda lends creedence to the fact that you’re a pretty prejudiced person anti. I wasn’t going to bother posting here because in all honesty since he was lying, some of our comments were then in the wrong. It doesn’t detract from the fact that you and cormy and your ilk virtually refused to admit any wrongdoing on the part of the cops beyond “well okay, they were dicks.” - Whether it turns out it was false is irrelevant, your response to the hypothetical was offensive. That we even need to have this dialogue shows that a situation like this is still feasible in this day and age - that needs to change. It sounds like the school handled the “situation” well so it seems like someone who actually had this happen to them can rest assured that they will be handled professionally</p>

<p>To be honest, I’m not sure how you were able to distill “absolute GLEE” from “take this as you will.” Besides, I got this from the Parents’ Forum, so why don’t you go over there and call them awful racist monsters too? Again, I posted this as a refutation of sorts to the unfair generalizations people were making in the other thread about southerners, UVa, et cetera. It’s also decision time - an undecided incoming freshman who saw that thread might dismiss UVa and all other schools in the south because “wow, the south really IS racist.” </p>

<p>And if you go back and look at the thread you will see that I never “refused” to admit any wrongdoing. In fact, I acknowledged that the imaginary police were hypothetically in the wrong - but that they did nothing wrong by stopping him nor would they have if it was anybody else of any other race because - brace yourselves - that’s the job of the police… </p>


That’s not really what I’m saying - I’m saying that it mostly will affect discourse on the topic. Imagine this happens for real and makes headlines - then people will point to stories like these and say “oh, well, THAT guy was lying, so why should we believe this one?” It’s also not my fault that it’s overexposed, I only heard of it after seeing it on CC. What you’ve written is a strawman </p>


I don’t understand… what are you saying? why’s that situation impossible? Are you saying it’s impossible for a white person to falsely accuse a black man of something he didn’t do…? What I meant was, what if a white guy wrongly accuses a black guy of committing some crime but then it turns out he was lying? You’d probably have no problem writing off the white guy in that situation as a scumbag or whatever and I’d most likely agree with you. </p>


This has nothing to do with Snooki. When you make national headlines by dragging someone’s name through the dirt in order to achieve your own twisted ends, that’s condemnable. </p>

<p>What I’M confused about is why you guys are unwilling to admit that this guy DID do something wrong, black or purple or pink or chartreuse or whatever. It’s almost like you’re trying to say that all he was really doing by making up the lie was drawing attention to an important social issue and that the ends justify the means. </p>

<p>Fact 1 - racial discrimination is a problem in law enforcement.
Fact 2 - this guy lied and should be punished.</p>


<p>I find it interesting that you didn’t want to post here when you supported tossing the (innocent) cops in prison for a crime that someone made up, based on no evidence at all.</p>

<p>^Cuse - as you may recall, I said they ought to launch an investigation and if the charges could be substantiated then they deserved to be fired and tossed in jail for a few months. The charges cannot be substantiated - QED, he made it up, therefore they do not deserve the punishment. Simple as that. See? That’s evolving my position based on evidence on the ground - this is new evidence and it makes a need to punish them invalid. Let him face whatever charges they feel are necessary</p>