UVA limits legacy but




If you are going to get rid of the legacy bump, get rid of it. Seems like UVA is trying to have it both ways here.

Looks like a great way for UVA to say we only want to benefit some legacy applicants, ie the ones who give the most money and are the most involved - basically what they were already doing.

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It appears unique in incorporating both legacy/faculty/employee children and perhaps those who participated in UVA’s invitee-programs ( for diversity or athletes)?

It seem similar to the policy of many colleges and universities regarding race, after the SCOTUS ruling.


There is a new optional essay about one’s personal or historical connection to UVA.

What if an applicant wrote about how their ancestors were barred from attending UVA due to racial segregation at the time and had to attend some other colleges? Would that be a personal or historical connection, albeit more of a possible legacy relationship denied?

It appears to include the descendants of those who built/ worked at UVA, presumably encompassing enslaved people


On a dark and rainy night, I saw my parents pull out a thick check book. I sat next to my mother and asked, “What are you doing?”. She replied, “I’m making our annual $100k donation to Virginia, our beloved school”. At that moment, I realized, the generosity of my family should not go in vain. I immediately went online to do a virtual tour and fell in love with UVA.


A $100k annual donation is likely sufficient at UVA regardless of any connection bump. No one thinks donor admits will go away.

Actually I think it may be end up being more of a URM bump. Who is to say if their ancestors helped build UVA hundreds of years ago?

Yes, the prompt invites a wide range of connections. They say including but not limited to being the child of a graduate, child of faculty/staff, or descendant of people who labored at UVA. I think reflections on the legacies of segregation in Virginia would be welcomed; it’s a rich topic.


I call BS. Moving racial, legacy, and donor preferences from checking a box to essay form is just more of the same. I have a feeling consideration of race and legacy status via essays will be challenged in court, too.

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Personally I find it less objectionable than those pointless “adversity” essays that force everyone into thinking up how they are victimized


No reason it has to be one or the other. Theyre all ridiculous.

“If you have a personal or historic connection with UVA, and if you’d like to share how your experience of this connection has prepared you to contribute to the University, please share your thoughts here. Such relationships might include, but are not limited to, being a child of someone who graduated from or works for UVA, a descendant of ancestors who labored at UVA, or a participant in UVA programs.”

I think I was more peeved by the fact that they couldn’t mention the word slaves/slavery, as they are clearly trying to indicate someone whose ancestors were enslaved and forced to work at UVA. When referring to the faculty/staff connection they use the word “works” rather than “labors.” And hardly anyone refers to their parents or grandparents as “ancestors”. So UVA clearly had a group in mind for this section, but they won’t come out and say the words.


Here is a web page on the history of slavery at the University of Virginia: