Good day, enrollment decision deadline is rapidly approaching and I would love some insight on my decision. To give some context, I am a white male living in Pittsburgh. Fortunately cost of attendance isn’t too much of a facto, but BC is slightly more expensive than the other two.
What I want out of college:
Major: Preferably Finance, else Economics (possible minor in CS or Math)
Career Opportunities
- Looking to work in BB IB or Consulting out of college
- Strong alumni network and on-campus recruiting/opportunities.
- Does location matter much?
Good Social Life & nice looking campus (well maintained)
Anything else to consider?
Pros & Cons
Michigan LSA (denied from Ross pre-admit)
- Pros
- Favorite Campus
- Favorite “vibe” or “culture”
- Certainly not a bad econ program
- Very Strong alumni network
- Cons
- Cannot reapply to Ross
- Econ recruiting overshadowed by Ross (?)
- Location (prefer to be slightly closer to a big city, not detroit)
- Cannot reapply to Ross
- Pros
- Very Nice Campus and Area
- Good “vibe”, more diverse
- Decent econ degree (?)
- If accepted, McIntire is one of the best B-school
- Good presence on Wall Street (McIntire)
- Cons
- Have to apply to McIntire B-school (~60% acceptance rate, a bit risky considering my demographics and OOS tuition)
- Econ majors somewhat overshadowed in recruiting (less so than Mich) (?)
- A bit warmer
- Not as close to a major city (not a huge deal)
Boston College CSOM
- Pros
- Love Boston
- Decent “vibe”, less diverse
- CSOM has a reputable finance program
- Decent presence on Wall Street (semi-target?)
- Family in Boston and Dad is an alum.
- Cons
- Seems slightly less prestigious than the other two (?)
- Smaller than the other two
- Nice campus, but not as nice as the other two
- No AC in the dorms (prob not a huge deal)
I would love to hear any other considerations you have. Some other points I’d love to hear about:
- comparison of reputability of programs (considering econ and finance)
- situation with application to McIntire
- Is economics a good/bad idea for my career aspirations
- How does recruiting/job outlook compare among these choices?
P.S. I accepted a spot on the waitlist for UChicago & NYU (will probably accept if admitted to either) I was offered a spot on the priority waitlist for CMU Tepper, does this option compete with those I was accepted to? Thank you all in advance.