UVA vs. Cornell

I was recently accepted to both UVA as an Econ major (OOS) and Cornell’s ILR school, and I’m having a difficult time choosing between the two. I’d appreciate it if people can give any insights/perspectives regarding the pros and cons of the universities/programs, potential job placement, and other factors such as fraternities/social life, dining, housing, etc. If it helps, I want to go into business/finance after graduating.

i don’t think you can say one is better than the other. Both have stellar reputations. However, UVA takes a majority of its students from in state whereas Cornell is a private Ivy League school. UVA is incredibly over rated. Law and MBA maybe but undergrad is nothing special. Personally I would say Cornell .

Congratulations to you!

It really depends on where your interests lie. I’m going to vote for UVA, it being my dream school. Check out https://www.■■■■■■■■■■/hq/home
and create a free account. It’s a college search tool that lets you learn about, save, compare, and find colleges. This requires an account.

https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org is a part of the college board website and lets students also find, learn about, and compare colleges based on a series of preferences. If you have an account, you get to save your preferences and colleges.

Try both out and see what you like! Cornell is pretty prestigious and UVA has really strong academics. UVA has a lot of history and a really beautiful campus. It’s business school is top in the country, among its other schools.

Don’t aim for the most prestigious or highest ranked though. As long as your choice of schools meet your critical criteria, choose where you feel most at home!:smiley:

Good luck and kudos to you! I wish you the best!

I am actually very familiar with Cornell’s ILR as I had been admitted there but chose to go to somewhere else. The program is indeed a very promising one and is also challenging. You will be learning a lot of statistics and operations research. Most graduates go on to become HRs, some go to WS. But if you have plans for grad school I wouldn’t choose Cornell’s ILR as it is a bit too specific of a program.