I called on Monday and it looks like they’re treating this as a waitlist now. Our applications are still on hold but they’re aren’t any (or very few) spots left so they’re just waiting to see if the ppl they sent the appeal acceptance to will accept it. Depending on the number of ppl who reject it, that’s the number of ppl who they’ll accept from this “waitlist”. Because the whole point of appeals are because you really want to go to that college, I doubt if we’ll have more than 2 declines. Idk what for but they’re keeping the whole pile of 150 email applicants waiting when they really don’t have any spots. At this point, just accept that you’re not getting into uw for cs and try to be happy in your other school. Hopefully they send decisions this week so that we can just move on but I doubt they’ll send them this week.
Most of above is true but I think it’s more complicated than that.
Let me try to explain with an example - Imagine a student from CA who got into UW CS but got waitlisted or appealed a rejection in a UC public college or their dream college. On May 1st, that person would have accepted their seat in UW as that was the only option. Now between May - Aug, they get lucky and are offered seat in one of UC colleges for CS majors. As attending in-state public university will be cheaper, they would likely accept it and withdraw from UW. This would open up seats in UW - CS. UW is likely holding onto those appeals and WL to fill such seats. Unfortunately, it also means that this whole process will not be over until Aug.
In short, there are seats that are result of admitted students not accepting by May 1st + seats that become available by students who rescind their admission after May 1st. So actual number is a mystery.
Does that make sense?
That does make complete sense but I am not finding answers to the below:
Just thinking of numbers, UW CS program selected 598 freshmen in 2021 (published by UW in Nov 2021). Compared to that, UW CS program selected 484 freshmen in March 2022 (UW presented that in one of the orientation. This number includes in-state, oos, international) in the main selection process. There is a gap of 114 from last year. Surely, UW has granted few appeal acceptances before May 1st but there are cases where few of the 484 selected candidates did not opt UW.
I am wondering about this gap. As per UW website they have capacity of 550 in Paul G Allen school. Not sure where this is going? If it is pure wait-list, UW should communicate that to each candidate on the list.
Makes sense. But I assume the chances are still very slim. In your above example, I think if a spot opens up like that, then offer will go to an out of state student.
Good point! I think after May 1st chances of in-state student accepting UW offer is much higher than OOS unless OOS student didn’t get into any other CS program which seems unlikely.
I would have welcomed a much tighter deadline (24-48hrs) to accept appeal decision rather than two week that they offer today. It would have helped move process much faster. Admissions also can’t extend this process indefinitely.
Agree that they have opportunity to be more transparent. I hope Admissions office is reading this thread.
Exactly! Did they really give out close to 100 appeal acceptances? I doubt it. So maybe more are going to transfers? Because if they really did have, let’s say, 30 spots left, why would the aos act like there are very few acceptances left to give?
Isn’t it possible the numbers are to balance out yield. They had too many people accept last year so they were over crowded and so this year they have to accept less? I don’t know for sure, but that would be my guess. With test optional, and more kids applying to more schools, many colleges are having trouble predicting yield so they are winding up with too big or too small classes.
I agree. With a capacity of ~550 across 4 streams (DTM, STARS, Transfer, Current UW students), they have already admitted 484 by DTM. Other seats will probably go to other streams. I am not sure how many vacant spots are left for appeal candidates…
My D21 has a friend who was accepted (in-state) on appeal for 21-22. I don’t think they had too many accept if they were granting appeals.
Well… if we haven’t received a rejection yet, it’s because there is still a chance. I prefer to stay optimistic.
Let’s hope for the best.
1 ao basically said that they are waiting for declines or withdrawals at this point and if they don’t receive any soon, they’ll just send a rejection email to everyone. If people want to go somewhere else though, we do have a sliver of a chance.
Is that for CS waitlist or overall?
They can’t predict either of those seats (appeal or withdrawals) so earlier theory prevails - this will likely continue through Aug as other colleges admit from their waiting lists. I understand that this is anxiety inducing. To state the obvious - at this point I have told my kid to assume that UW-CS is not an option and just to focus on other college. We will reevaluate if/when it becomes an option.
I am assuming most of us here have committed to a college rather than UW PreScience. If you don’t mind can you mention the college you have committed to. I am going to UW Madison.
I just received an email notifying me that my financial aid offer was changed, opened it and they closed my financial aid offer LOL. Assuming that means a rejection, but good luck to everyone else!
Ucsd for data science
CS waitlist
Purdue university