UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

From what I’ve read online, I think 40-50% of OOS students will receive some sort of P&G scholarship. At the info session we attended they did say that the top amount does vary year to year, but you are correct in that the top amount is never more than $8500. Many just get a few thousand. It certainly pales in OOS merit aid compared to other comparable schools.

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Thanks, that helps. Sounds like net cost is most likely over 50k per year. That makes for a tough pill to swallow given other good options.

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Yep. They give out very little merit aid because they don’t have to. It is the premier public university in the Pacific Northwest and they don’t have to do merit aid to fill out their classes with top students. The other nearby schools like UO, WSU, and OSU give out a lot more merit aid because they are trying to compete with UW and have to do that to compete.

Merit aid has nothing to do with merit. It is simply a pricing mechanism to make the school competitive with its competition.

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Great way to explain merit aid. I find it interesting when people are surprised T10 schools don’t give scholarships and I’m always trying to explain, they don’t have to! When schools talk about “making it affordable” they are referring to financial aid and what is considered affordable/who “needs” financial aid is completely subjective.

Thanks for posting -

Did anyone get the request for senior year schedule(and fall grades)? I got the email on Jan. 8 and submitted it a while back but was just wondering if they asked everyone.

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i didnt get one

My S didn’t get one.

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Ok thanks for the reply. They probably requested it from me because I’m borderline admit/deny and wanted more info. before making a decision.

Nope didn’t get that.

I got it! Applying from Northern California.

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When will the decisions come out? All decisions published on a single day or staggered over time?

Decisions start coming out on March 1 to March 15

I’m just curious where this information is found on the website. I haven’t been able to locate it, but several people have mentioned that the dates are posted there

Your can expand “Key dates & deadlines.”


posted in wrong place sorry

Wow! My daughter’s hasn’t been updated. Where are you located and what was her major?

oops sorry this was for the wrong school

I know we’ve chatted on the Cal Poly SLO thread. DS21 also applied to UW and it looks like it will be ruled out based on cost (if he gets in). :grinning: My son got into Purdue, and right now that and ASU/UofA are looking like his best options.


My daughter didn’t get any such thing. But her fall semester didn’t end until late January and her school counselor automatically updated her grades and transcript in the Coalition App last week when grades came out. We are in-state applicants from a large public HS that sends dozens of kids to UW every year. So I trust they know what they are doing.

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I’m confused about this. I thought UW didn’t require mid-year grades, but our school counselor, in-state, sent it out as well. Seemed like once app was submitted, all that needed to happen was await decision.