UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

We took our son on his first (and now only due to Covid) college tour at UW last late February right before things shut down. Covid cancelled a spring break full of college tours in California, but happy he got to see UW.


I take that back - he did go on one self guided tour last summer, but only organized tour :slight_smile:

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Oh, I’m so sorry about having to miss out on those tours. What a bummer! These poor kids. I really feel for them. Especially this senior year. But they’re troopers and I know they have big things in store for them and I hope they all end up at their top choice school!


For those who aren’t already, here is the UW-specific Reddit post on r/Applyingtocollege:

If you scroll down a bit, it looks like a small percentage of applicants have already received their decisions, this mainly applies to special cases (reapplied, athletes, Presidential scholar etc)

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Also, a great article/video about inside the admissions office at UW specifically:


(skip to 2:00 to get to the good stuff).

That’s scary… a part time worker spends 8 minutes reviewing your application, and makes a call?

there’s more in depth information in his book on college admissions

I don’t think anyone there has said they’ve received a decision

Any music applicants on here? I know of three people who were admitted to the music major this week (as either freshman or transfer applicants), but who still have not heard from the general UW itself about admission (music is a two-step process requiring admission into both). Anyone else hear one way or the other from music?

My son heard from the music department that he’d been accepted into orchestral instruments but this was contingent upon university acceptance.


Last year, S20 heard from the music dept a week after his audition in February with even how much music scholarship he could potentially receive but all contingent on UW admission.

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Alright folks…so what are we thinking? Will decisions post late tonight (early morning for us East Coast people)? Or late Friday night West Coast time?

I think most have suggested 8:30 PST tomorrow (Friday)


After admissions office closes on Friday night. This way UW doesn’t need to respond to phone calls - and applicants have more time to think through the decision prior to contacting the office.


I never understand why students would call the AO right after decision is out.
Accepted, Denied, Waitlisted, I would not call.
Did anyone here call AO next day after other school released on Tue/Wed/Thurs?

Well I guess 100 out of 48,000 would jam the phone lines.

In general, anytime there is a mass release of information or change that affects a large group, a reaction is expected. This could be in the form of phone calls, email, posts to forums, etc. Organizations consider the timing of such releases. So, my opinion is that UW would release decisions after their office closure.

Agreed…I would never in a million years call the admissions office to complain about a decision. But I don’t doubt plenty of people do…
My son assures me he will still be up at 11:30 pm…so hopefully it will be good news for the weekend.
One other question while I am posting…I have read a lot about the competitiveness of applying for majors at UW. Admittedly that is not something we had considered as other schools he applied to don’t have that process or it is not a competitive situation in his proposed major. Is this issue really mainly an issue in certain majors, like CS? For example, he applied International Studies/Global Studies. I see under the major the application process, but I don’t have a sense of how competitive this would be.
Any UW parents or students out there have any insight into this question?

Ugh the waiting… :pleading_face:


As far as I know, CS and Engineering are competitive to get in.
See Direct admit Freshmen by the numbers | Office of Admissions

My friend’s kid ended up choosing other university non-direct CS over UW as they know it is hard to switch to CS after you are in.

You can see list of UW majors here and if they are less to more competitive (open to capacity constrained)
