UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I think you can assume the more popular the major, the more competitive it is. CS, Engineering and Business are all highly competitive. I saw something on the website where about 50% of the applicants to Econ get in each year. Some of the majors have stats like that if you dig around the website. Haven’t seen/heard anything about how competitive Intl/Global Studies is.

When we went to an info session a year ago, the admissions rep said the only way to now get into CS and Engineering is through Direct Admit. So, from this class forward, you can’t apply to get into the major as a Junior. That will probably increase number of admits this cycle (so OOS students might have a 3% chance vs a 1.5% chance historically) but people should know that if they do not get direct admit, there will be no other way to get into it.

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It’s so weird knowing that their most likely done with everyone’s admissions decisions but their probably just holding it till Friday so people won’t call.


My understanding is if you apply direct admit business and don’t get accepted into the business school, you still could be accepted into UW and can apply later to the business school (it shouldn’t impact your chances of getting admitted into the school). The tough decision is do you take the spot and apply later or go to another school where you are direct admitted as a freshman. I believe someone from Foster can walk you through that decision process if you are having that dilemma (for Engineering and CS they encourage you to go to another school if your heart is set on that major but not the case (yet) with business).

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask if anyone could access the
with their UWash id.

Hi! I’m new here so I don’t realy know how to write things and stuff but, I applied to Udub under the Economics Major. If it’s capacity constrained, what happens if I don’t get in? I assume I applied correctly since I had the option to but I don’t know what all the requirements on the page mean (ECON 101 etc). Can I get into Udub without getting into the specific major???

If it helps, I am an in-state student



We did the official UW campus tour with my daughter in early 2020 before Covid shut things down. Honestly it was pretty uninformative. A half an hour session listening to propaganda and admissions information in the student center which contained no new information not readily available on the UW Admissions web site. Followed by a large tour group that mostly just stuck to the central campus sidewalks. I think the only building we entered was the Suzzallo Library to peek at the famous old ornate reading room. No dorm tours, tours of dining halls or other amenities. No visits to any science buildings or labs.

There was nothing really that a family couldn’t pick up on their own by doing their own self-guided tour. And then one could actually go look at the parts of campus that one is really interested in (engineering, business, music, biology, oceanography, etc.). Dorms are dorms, they don’t differ all that much from school to school and there are plenty of virtual tours of UW dorms on YouTube. The main advantage to seeing them on person is to compare the two residential neighborhoods (North Campus and West Campus) where all or most of the dorms are located. They are pretty different. West Campus is all the new dorms that are spilling over into the urban street grid of the University District. North Campus is on the other side in the old leafy part of campus with a mix of old and new dorms, but within walking distance of the upscale University Village mall which has lots of shops and restaurants. Very different environments. Our official campus tour didn’t touch on housing options at all.

If D21 does get accepted this week we will most certainly drive back up for another look at the place. Especially the science buildings and the various dorm neighborhoods and such. UW does have a brand new world famous Biology Building that we haven’t seen and D21 is a prospective bio major. Be nice to see that at least from the outside and hopefully be able to at least walk the halls if the doors are open. I have no idea what kind of security they have in this Covid world. But at least get a sense of the physical geography and which residential areas are most convenient to the parts of campus where she will likely be spending the most time.

As a UW grad myself, and having attended a lot of different events on campus over the years we are probably a lot more familiar with it than other families from out of state. But we will still want to take one or two more close looks before committing if D21 does get an admissions offer. Luckily we are only 3 hours away.


Oh ok

its probably just another fluke that doesn’t actually mean anything. I clicked on my major and it said that it wasn’t mine. I don’t know if thay changes anything.

Does it say that it isnt yours or just show the requirements not met? I can click on any major and it just shows missing req for all

It says both.

Ah, i see the not your major now. Yea i see both too

although it did say i completed one of the requirements

but i don’t know if it’s like that for everybody. And it only says that for one major ( i think my first choice major)

this link in my portal keeps on loading in an infinite loop.
I was only able to get in once

yeah it did the same for me as well

I do not think these mean anything.
We have waited till now let’s wait a day more.
All the best everyone for your results


My daughter can access it but she selected business admin-finance and when it loads it shows her info etc but down below it says “according to our records THIS IS NOT YOUR CURRENT MAJOR”