UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

When I looked at my first choice degree it said the same thing at the top, but when I looked through the requirements it said I had completed one of them. I don’t know if it’s like that for everyone or what that means though.

Have you sent in any AP scores ? That could be why.

The requirement is for GPA. It says “Chemistry Requirement: A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required”. The it says that that requirement is “ok” in green. I thought maybe it was just referring to the GPA on my application and that it said that for everyone. I really wanted to know if it says that for everyone because I though it was odd that it was there. Also it doesn’t say I’ve completed any requirements on any other majors, it just says it on my first choice major.

i doubt this means anything because i think you can get to the audit website without a UW ID? it offered for me to sign in with google if i didn’t have a UW login

Hi guys! High school senior here and I’m super antsy waiting for the decision on UW! Does anyone know what time it will be sent tomorrow? I’d assume it would be spread out across the day but I’m wondering if it will start in the morning or later in the day

Around 8pm Pacific is when the fun should begin

ah… so I won’t have to obsessively check my phone during school tomorrow…


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Most of us still will be obsessively checking tho :sweat_smile:

You got that right ! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!! Hoping for the best :tada:

I called UW Admissions today and learned that decisions will be released tonight sometime after 8pm PST. An email to check your portal about the decision update will go out in the morning. Just thought I’d pass this along as I know how anxious everyone is.


Omg ! It’s gonna happen sooner then I thought! Thanks for the info !

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On second thought, sounds a bit fake. Lets all hope for the best.

IDK, nothing yet and that was a first post…


Anybody else wanna take a gamble and call the UW admissions to check? lol

Well that’s kinda rude. :expressionless:

Hi Decision out! D got waitlisted

who would release tonight but save the email for tomorrow?

They close at 5.

My son was DENIED. He is OOS. Civil Engineering

Anyone else?