<p>I hope this isn't a silly question. I already have a UW NETID and have logged on various times to myUW; that was initially how I found out I was admitted. However, tomorrow is the earliest (at 4pm I believe) that admitted students can apply for housing but in order to do so you have to have an UW email account as well as a student number and UW NET ID. Could anyone who has already set theirs up clue me in as to how I set up my email account so that I can apply for housing? Thanks :)</p>
<p>Once you pay the 400 dollar deposit a little squar should pop-up on your MYUW home page that says "UW EMAIL". At least this is what happend with me. Then you click on the email button and it takes you through the steps of setting up your account. Hope that helps :)</p>
<p>your email address is the same as your UW net id.</p>
<p><a href="mailto:youruwnetid@u.washington.edu">youruwnetid@u.washington.edu</a> is your email address.</p>
<p>^ what laura said</p>
<p>don't worry, it only takes about a minute</p>
<p>$400 deposit? you mean the housing deposit or the $250 check you need to send to uw for enrollment?</p>
<p>**250 deposit... Sorry :S</p>