UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

I think what @CollegeMan91 is asking is if they plan on giving acceptance notices to 200-300 more non-residents this year or if they plan on giving out more than that knowing that some of the non-residents will decide not to go to UW-Madison. My guess is that they are focused on having the actual non-resident freshman attending next fall be 200-300 more than it was this year.

Did anyone notice that the tabs on their UW portal changed? There were a lot more added to mine this morning but none of them are active. No updates in my student center either.

@hld3471 Yes, I noticed that as well when I logged in this morning.

i see that too

i see it too and so does my friend we are out of state. maybe it means decisions are coming soon, but who knows

My son’s portal included the additional tabs as well.

Same with my daughter’s portal. At least we are close to a decision either way…

Same here, more tabs. I don’t think it means anything, and you can add more by yourself.

Can anyone confirm that we hear back on Friday?

@physicsandchem the posters on this site (including me) are just make guesses based on what has happened in the past and no one here really has any “inside information”. There was a lot of speculation that there would be a “first wave” of decisions on December 4th, that didn’t happen, then everyone thought December 11th and that did not happen. Maybe this weekend? Last year there were many people that received a decision on the December 22nd (which was a Monday), so maybe the 21st or 22nd will be a big day for decisions this year. I guess we will see. I think most people here believe that something will happen soon (within the next week). However, keep in mind that not all decisions are released at the same time and just because you don’t get a decision when a lot of other people are getting decisions, does not mean that you will or will not be accepted. The first deadline for decisions (for those who applied prior to Nov 1st) is January31st.

So, to answer your question more directly, No. No one on this site can confirm anything regarding an exact date as to when decisions will be released.

Can anyone confirm that we hear back on Friday?<<


Do you mean if someone from the admissions office can confirm? That’s not going to happen.

Everybody has guessed wrong on this including my school’s counselors who said the first wave was last friday. Wrong.

I think scrolling back on the UW Admissions twitter account is a good way to get an idea of past years timing of decisions. I scrolled back for the last two years. Last year it even looked like there was several decisions sent out in late November. December 22nd was a big day last year and December 21st seemed to be a big day in 2013. However, in both years, you can also see that many people did not get accepted (or denied, postponed) until the last few days of January…and then, some not until March (if they got postponed or submitted their app after Nov 1st). Here is the link to the twitter account. You have to do a lot of scrolling to get back to December of 2014 and 2013!


Alright, this afternoon all of the new tabs showed up for me, and now they are gone again… Did this happen to anyone else?

Yes this happened to me too

yes, yesterday all the tabs showed up, today it changed again

My son is in the same situation, he was accepted to the honors college at IU and no word from Wisconsin yet! Good luck : )

IU got back to me in 10 days with a DA to Kelly and the Hutton Honors College (whatever that is). If you have the ACT scores and GPA it’s thank you very much we’d love to have your money, esp when your OOS. Clearly UW does it their way.

Has anyone else received a letter in the mail saying “Your Wisconsin Tradition…Starts Here. There’s a Seat Waiting for You”? I’m pretty sure this means I was accepted, but I checked online and it hasn’t been updated.

Who is the letter from - UW or a non-UW company (for example private housing/rental company)?

What’s the letter about?

@hjc789 i also received that a while ago! haha i was kinda confused. @Madison85 it was a threefold brochure thingy from UW admissions office