UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Many people from my school found out between 7-10 pm last year

do you guys think out of state kids will hear today?

Check out post 4 and 5 from this thread from last year (last year the first wave was on 12/5). Post #4 time stamp is 8:21 (on 12/5). Post #3 has a acceptance date of 11/21, but either that’s not true or the person was a complete rock star student who got excepted much earlier than everyone else. So, continue your patience people and good luck!!


I actually know of a lot of people who got accepted early on last year-- around thanksgiving time. No one that I know of has heard yet, hopefully we will hear today or around Christmas.

So I checked UWMadison Admissions Twitter and someone tweeted today that they would love to hear from them today and they responded “Just need to wait a liiiiiiitle bit longer”. The extra i’s in little makes me feel like they are tying to stress the fact that it won’t be that much longer, possibly tonight?!

I read that as well and thought the exact same thing.

I saw that. It was 7 hours ago. !!

I actually think it means the opposite. “a liiiiitle bit longer” sounds like a week or two to me. Well, all we can do is wait and hope we’ll know by Christmas. All I want for Christmas is acceptance letters!
Good luck everyone and for the sake of your refresh button, RELAX and ENJOY your weekend! :-j I got a feeling tonight won’t be the big night :confused:

what time did they post last year? like was it at 4pm or 8pm? could they still release tonight or is it too late?

There’s some people who have noted that people didn’t seem to find out until like 8:30pm… Seems oddly late to me but I guess I’ll hold out faith for another hour or two and then if nothing by then it’s probably not this weekend

Last year, my son got his acceptance on 12/22. I remember it was late (EDT) because I was just going to bed when he told me he got the email to check the website thing. some from his school heard around Thanksgiving, others heard in January.

I am kind of worried, I applied in the middle of October and have not heard back a word ever since creation of my account. Anyone else is in this situation?

Lol @fhczsuntao I like how you worded that. Similar here I applied on October 29th and have heard nothing. I’m worried because I only sent one teacher letter of recommendation because the other one didn’t finish before 11/01 but I don’t think we need to worry about not hearing anything. My guess is we will hear our decision when they send out this apparent big wave before Christmas but who knows. I wouldn’t worry about that tho :wink:

Hey guys! So my grandparents live in Madison and my grandfather is really good friends with one of the engineering professors and he told my grandfather that the school’s funding got cut by ALOT this year and that the school is now taking 50% out of state and 50% in state. That’s half and half- which is crazy because usually it’s about 27.5% OOS get accepted. They really need to money that OOS kids bring. SO, if you’re OOS like me you’re chances are much higher than ever before of getting in!

PS- numbers may not be 100% correct since this information was passed on verbally BUT moral of the story is OOS kids are really in lucky this year since Madison needs to money so badly right now.

UW lifted it’s in-state cap in October, but the overall numbers are not going to chage dramatically (at least initially). The recently approved approval also included a guarantee of 3,600 in-state freshman (this year’s freshman class is 3,617). Here is an article that explains it:


UW-Madison doesn’t intend to add more than 200 to 300 nonresidents a year

So, I’m sensing that they’ll give out a lot of decisions before Christmas or this Friday like UMich, am I right?

That’s what they did last year. I guess we will see.

@Madison85 Does that mean they do not plan to admit more than 200-300 non-residents, or do they admit an approximate number to actually have 200-300 non-resident students accept their offer?

@CollegeMan91 The latter most likely, because 200-300 being admitted is way too less for a school UWMadison’s size