UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@Candelwoodgal, thanks. However, I believe @kelleygirl was referring to Minnesota when she said UoM. My son did not apply to Michigan and I have seen her post in the Minnesota thread.Regardless…gook luck to everyone and hopefully some of us will get some nice Holiday surprises soon!!

UW today or not?

will my portal change from “your application will be reviewed…”
to “your application is being reviewed…”?
or something like that

Just got an email from College of Agricultural & Life Sciences Scholarship Application which asks me to apply for scholarships!

Just FYI Michigan released decisions today at about 3:00 Eastern time! I got in to Michigan and am hoping for a Wisconsin acceptance as well!

How do we receive a decision? Email?

Anyone hear anything yet?

If we do hear today it’ll be around 7-10ish

Again, I think there is an assumption by many that they will hear something today. If you look at last year as an example, there were many decisions sent out on Monday December 22nd, but none the Friday, Saturday, or Sunday that proceeded that. That was pretty much the same pattern the year before (2013). I’m not expecting any decisions tonight, but we will see.

that makes sense however they have not seemed to be following their usual trends of announcing decisions since they have normally started before december

If not tonight it will likely be Monday or Tuesday next week. I called admissions last week and they told me they were reading over essays and that decisions should be coming out in the next few weeks!

Hoping for a decision tonight! Michigan didn’t end up in my favor but I would still love to be a badger!

@coffe18 Same here! I recognize you from the michigan board lol a decision from wisconsin tonight would reaaalllly be great

Decisions are in! Daughter in state, 27 ACT, 3.9 unweighted GPA ADMITTED! Good luck to everyone!

@luvsgelato congrats that’s awesome! I’m OOS and have not yet received a decision.

Still no decision here but have very similar stats so hoping to hear something soon

Congrats @luvsgelato - did you get email? What time?

No just checked her student center and it said said “congratulations…” In the place it previously said her application would be reviewed in the first cycle.

@mdnj16 haha yes I recognize you too! Sorry about Michigan bud, wishing you the best of luck with Madison!! Keep your head up!

My daughter just got in, no email, but student center says congratulations…31ACT, 4.0 GPA in state