UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Are you out of state?

Any in state people not hear back yet?

@louise423 my son is in state and has not heard back yet. I would guess that as many as 80% of applicants (in state or out of state) have not heard back yet.

@louise423 I am OOS with a 3.6 UW GPA, 32 ACT, all honors, high honors, or AP classes. I attend a top 20 high school in the country, with EC, a solid essay, and grades in a general upward trend throughout high school. I believe I have a solid chance, but no word yet. I think it seems like more people have heard back simply because nobody posts here when they don’t here back, only when they do; thus, it looks as though the majority of people have heard back.

^^UW accept rate is nearly 50% and with you scores I’d say you’re good to go.

^However collegeman91 is OOS so the 50% admit rated quoted isn’t necessarily applicable.


2015 Acceptance rate of applicants:

67% Wisconsin residents
43% Minnesota residents
36% Internationals
49% Overall rate

If I haven’t received anything yet should I be expecting bad news?

@vvfor3 no…not necessarily bad or good. UW has until the end of January the render admission decisions (possibly later if you get postponed or submitted your app after Nov 1st) I suggest going back and reading the last or 4 pages of the thread.

possible OOS decisions tomorrow based on last year!

@Madison85 Overall is still close to 50% as the user stated though. Regardless I think my stats are competitive with students who have been accepted in the past. Certainly with students from my high school as I have seen on Naviance.

Just wondering if anyone can give me some insight on my acceptance chances:
33 ACT, 3.6 unweighted gpa, 9 AP classes, 2 varsity sports, a lot of EC’s and over 100 service learning hours, and my brother is currently a sophomore here. OOS from the suburbs of Chicago.

@hopefulbadger32 Looks like solid odds to me. You seem to have good course rigor, and solid GPA, and a good ACT score. Definitely competitive! Hopefully we will hear back tomorrow.

It would be extremely demoralizing for me to get rejected from UWMadison - with all due respect - when I’m applying to the likes of UChicago, Brown, and Cornell :’) I’m international

I think your stats and chances are great!

People who got the decision, did you guys received email notification or something like that

For 2015 incoming freshmen, 36% of internationals received an offer of admission.


@fhczsuntao If I understand correctly their status was updated in the student center before they received an email. I stand corrected though. Please refer to the next post.

@fhczsuntao I received an email from the Office of Admissions stating that my admissions decision was available.

@futurebadger2020 Are you OOS? And more importantly, did you get in??

@McKilla99@futurebadger2020 posted this on 12/18

Just a hint…if you click on the user’s name and then click on “replies” on the left site, you can see all that posts from that user.