UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@BrewCrew82 Thanks m8 :’)

If you are monitoring this thread and you have the unfortunate situation where you get denied from UW Madison at some point, I would like to make a request that you still post that result on this thread. I understand why someone would not really care about doing that, but it would help others who are still waiting for responses to get an idea of the process. I’m very curious if any denials were sent out in the “first wave” on Friday (I didn’t see anyone post any - unless I missed it).

hoping for OOS decisions today!

Daughter got deferred from umich…waiting for some good news in ni

Any word for Minnesota people yet?

I think I’ve posted this here before but I want to remind people that the governor cut funds pretty drastically this year and they have outright said that they need and want many more OOS than they’ve ever had before. This is why I think that they’re taking much longer to send out decisions because they had to reconfigure all of their quotas and numbers. Granted, I have no inside scoop besides my grandfather living in Madison and being friends with a few professors, but there are articles about this as well. I think this is will be a really good year for OOS students. Good luck to all and hopefully I can know tonight that I’m finally a badger!! I attended Grandparents University 3 times with my grandma when I was really young and I’ve been in love with Madison ever since!!

People are finding out TODAY?!?!?!?!?!

And the Wisco Net ID website says my Net ID was already activated, but I don’t remember doing so. When I try to get my Net ID username/password emailed to myself, it says that there is no email associated with Net ID. Anyone have this same problem? If so, any troubleshooting tips/solutions? Thanks!


@sidthekid7 People are just speculating that there may be some notifications today, based upon trends in previous years where there were notifications released the monday/tuesday before christmas. It is all speculation, and nobody here can confirm.

Will the decision be in the notification part of the portal?

Anybody who got accepted/rejected, it would be awesome if you posted your stats (ACT/GPA/EC’s) just to let the majority of us who don’t know yet what to expect

@Momof3frommich It will be under the section where it says that your application will be reviewed as a part of the first notification period. If you would like to see pictures of the student center after an acceptance check out the UWAdmissions twitter feed, as many people have tweeted them pictures of their acceptance.

It seems as though it’s only in-state so far

For those waiting, a few VERY unofficial stats. Stats from two years ago for accepted OOS students. This is the average of all OOS students who posted here. This is unofficial and very unscientific and ONLY for OOS.

From over 30 students who posted results that were Accepted…
Average ACT: 30.9…
Average unweighted GPA: 3.74…a reminder that weighted GPA’s mean next to nothing for UW.

From the 9 students who posted results that were Denied
ACT 27.6
Unweighted GPA 3.56

Best student (simple stats only that was denied OOS was a 31 act with a 3.5.
Worst student (simply stats only) that was accepted OOS was a 28 act with a 3.8 (three of these)…

I saw zero 27 or below for OOS students accepted
I saw no student with a 32 or better ACT denied although sample was very very small.

Hope that helps. Reminder this is for OOS only.

@Mowe11 cool stats bro!

@Mowe11 Thanks bro!!! That’s awesome!

@BrewCrew82 you seem to be fairly active on this feed, so do you know if Minnesota is considered fully out of state? I know that Minnesotans have reciprocity, are we considered in state or out of state?

@Oskar1997 Good question. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good answer. Not sure if Minnesotans would be considered in state because of the reciprocity (or vice-versa for Wisconsinites applying for Minnesota). My guess is that its still considered OOS. Does anyone else have any insight on this?

Thank u!!!