UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

I’ve just received the email says:“Some students received decisions on Friday, however, many decisions have yet to be released. Just because you did not receive a decision does not mean you are denied. Keep in mind that transfer students are guaranteed a decision by the end of this month, which means you will be hearing in the next couple of days.” Be optimistic~~~

@loveeee that’s great to hear, did you email admissions to ask them about decisions or something?

Awesome to hear!

@MadwthanE I just asked the admissions if they released the transfer decisions…

Does anyone know when students (who are not transfers) apply for and get housing?

If you are an accepted student for Fall 2016 and believe that you haven’t received any housing information, you need to contact Housing TODAY.




Anybody know when these decisions are going I come? I’m dying over here…

me too! I’d assume Friday at around 7! @9AGuru


yeah 7 PM! from what i’ve researched that’s when they tend to go out for transfers! @9AGuru

I didn’t get anything tonight. I was really hoping a couple of days really meant just a couple days. Oh well we’re almost there! I have my fingers crossed for y’all too!!

Is anyone else getting more anxious, nervous, and terrified with every passing hour…

Not really, I’m just preparing for denial this point XD got denied from my backup school of almost equal caliber so just a matter of confirming my expectation.

@MadwthanE Yes, very! They said everyone will know by Satuday night. I can’t take it anymore. I preparing myself for a denial but am trying to stay optimistic.

Actually I take that back, I was denied for the major I was interested in but offered admission for another major. Not really interested in Landscape Architecture personally. Hope it wasn’t a poor decision on my part.

Wait Saturday? Or Friday?

@fgishsh4444 saturday is the very last day they can release decisions but most likely tomorrow based on previous years. Very rarely are admission decisions released on weekends.

@Natalie278 did you hear from them:)?!?!

Can’t wait anymore!!