UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

Hi everyone!! I haven’t seen any fall transfer thread for this year yet so I just wanna creat one. I hope we can together share useful information for each other.

Here is my stat:
OOS sophomore student with 47 credits.
GPA : 3.89.
Ecs : Peer Tutor, Studen Ambassadors, Vice president of PTK, Honors program.

I just applied for CS and CE few days ago.

Hey, nice stats

I’m also out of state -
GPA - 3.85, Dean’s List
By end of Spring 2016 semester I will have 36 credits
Some of my EC’s are Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout), Varsity Cross Country + Track and Field, Church volunteer, heavily involved with my local and state FFA. Its been hard for me to do a lot of ECs in college right now because I have two jobs and I’m trying to save up as much as possible; however, being a cashier and a housecleaner doesn’t pay much.

I applied for Horticulture in CALS

High school GPA: 3.017W 2.855UW
ACT: 35
College Cum GPA: ~2.37, bad freshman year due to medical reasons, upward trend.
Spring 2015-Winterm 2016 GPA Cum: 3.82, 33 Credits
Taking 21 credits this Spring semester, 3 STEM courses, 1 Gen Ed, and 1 Art Major specific course.

College EC’s
University’s Newspaper
Hall Events Committee
Residence Hall Association Representative
Academic Honor Society
Getting a job this Spring.
Volunteered with a nature preserve in Florida
Volunteering every Saturday morning this semester at a local food shelter

Applying for Environmental Science in CALS and a non-specific art degree in the School of Education for a future career as a Scientific Illustrator.

Hoping to get at least postponed, with your guys’ stats you have a great shot of getting in!

@capecod24 you dont’ have a lot of ECs but those are good ones :)). You really get a good chance!
@Natalie278 With your upward trend gpa, I think they can really see your effort. Your ECs are great too. I hope we can all get in together!! :smiley:

@Natalie278 I’m sure if you let them know about the medical reasons interfering with your school they would understand. Plus you have really good ECs.

@Tunphraong I hope you’re right! I would love to be more involved right now but I am trying my best to study hard and get good grades to keep my GPA up, as well as keep up with my two jobs.

May I ask why both of you guys have decided to apply to transfer to UW-Madison?

@capecod24 I have numerous reasons for transferring, but the main ones are:

  1. B.S.-Art, a general art degree with less amount of credits required. This type of degree is not offered at my current U, and it would allow me to double major.
  2. A more rigorous university, and a much better environmental science program. Also more connections to potential employers.
  3. A large student body, I’ve been to a CC and 2 small universities, I’m really interested in going to a large school.
  4. A beautiful campus and an exciting student life, plus the amount of school pride is unmatched.

Overall, it just feels like home :slight_smile:

@capecod24 These are reasons why I have decided to choose Madison

  1. They have a really good CS major ranking
  2. I have read many students' reviews on Uni go. Student body and school spirit is great ( I really like Bascom Snow Ball Fight and Jump Around :D)
  3. Very diverse and big university so I can easily get involved.
  4. Beautiful campus and I love the lake!

What about you @capecod24 ?

@Tunphraong Our reasons are actually really similar!

  1. They have an amazing Horticulture program that does a lot of research
  2. Same as your 2nd point, the school spirit and sense of community is amazing
  3. Same as your 3rd, I've always wanted to attend a large school with a diverse student body
  4. Agriculture is doing much better in the Midwest than it is here
  5. Distance. I've always wanted to go to a university far from home, but got nervous senior year and never applied. But after having some college experience now, I know I'd love to attend UW-Madison.
  6. Same as your 4th point, the campus itself is beautiful and its in a city. Whereas my current campus is still beautiful, it is in the middle of nowhere.

@Natalie278 Yeah same, to me my current university is “small” but to some other people its huge. But I definitely agree with your 4th point.

@capecod24 wow really similar :D. Btw, did you receive NetID from the school?

@Tunphraong Yes I did, a day after my application was sent actually. I registered it and got access to the Student Center/Portal and the MyUW page. Did you get it yet?

@capecod24 Yes I got it but I forgot NetID but I called them today and thanks them I was able to get it back :D. Did you turn in all materials yet? How you did it take for your highschool script to get there?

@Tunphraong Well good thing you got it back lol, and yes all my materials were received. The day after I sent in my application I emailed my HS guidance counselor and she mailed my transcript same day and it took them about 2 weeks to update it in the system as having been received. Have you requested any letters of recommendation from anyone?

Hey guys, applied before the end of the year and am hoping to hear back before April.

Applying from a small OOS university looking to come back home.
3.97 GPA
90 credits after spring semester ( two years in college)
Plenty of EC’s
Applied to CL and CS

Excited to be a Badger and come home.

Best of luck to all!

Oops, I have letters of rec as well, 2 from college professors, 3rd hopefully soon. 2 of them went to madison as undergrads.

@capecod24 yeah I requested but my professors were pretty busy. I hope they will be free on next week. Have you?
@badgers27 wow your stats are really good. I think you will come home soon :D. Good luck to you!

somebody chance me :slight_smile:

In state- transferring from UW Eau Claire
15 credits completed 16 in progress
15 EC’s and 6 previous places of employment
3.0 college gpa (low) due to severe medical reasons (bacterial infection 6+ weeks long)
strong essays with a HUGE focus in art, 3 letters of rec (1 from high school art teacher, 1 from boss of my job I worked at 3 years, and 1 from my college writing professor)
I submitted both a high school and college art portfolio, and an updated list of my service hours since submitting my application
I applied into the college of letters and science, to one day major in communication arts

Without sounding cocky, I believe I have a very strong application with only the low gpa dragging me down

I also had an aunt who went to Madison and my cousin who was valedictorian of his high school class go to Madison, if that counts for any legacy towards me

I’m miserable at my school and want this transfer to work out. Nervous but trying to remain optimistic!!!

@abartolone High school GPA and standardized test scores?

@Tunphraong Yes I requested from two professors, one submitted it this past week and the other told me she would get it completed on the weekend.

Having submitted my application in early January, I hope they don’t dismiss the letters of recommendation because they came a few weeks after.

@capecod24 They won’t. They’ll accept them even past the material deadline, as long as they haven’t reviewed your application by then.

@natalie278 my high school gpa sat right around a 3.2-3.3UW and about a 3.4-3.5W and my ACT was a 23 so I did not submit it