UW-Madison Knows How To Party!

<p>Fines</a> issued after UW-Madison kegger total $86,000 - JSOnline</p>

<p>One of those facing the fines was the goofball from Minn. on the UW Madison college reality show that ran in the last year. Maybe he can use his show earnings to pay the fines.</p>

<p>The article indicated the purpose of the police efforts was to help prevent bad things from happening related to such parties- including assaults, rapes, alcohol poisoning. That fine is the maximum they could owe. Another party faces up to $5,000 in fines- those people cooperated when police came knocking on their door. The police saw many with plastic cups outside the house and fines added up when they checked for underage drinkers- they quit before noting all. Kudos to the Madison police in their handling of things from what the Milwaukee paper wrote. Hopefully a lot of new freshmen learned a lesson two weeks into college, which is when this occurred. </p>

<p>I suggest a reading of the article before anyone posts any comments. And that they keep comments related to the article’s contents (as barrons did).</p>

<p>UW-Madison is a huge party school. Hardly a man bites dog story.</p>

<p>UVa is a medium sized crime-filled school. And your point is???</p>

<p>[Recent</a> assaults at UVA prompt alert, questions | The Hook News Blog](<a href=“http://www.readthehook.com/blog/index.php/2010/09/29/recent-assaults-at-uva-prompt-alert/]Recent”>http://www.readthehook.com/blog/index.php/2010/09/29/recent-assaults-at-uva-prompt-alert/)</p>

<p>You two (Barrons/Nova) are simply amazing…how you think your back and forth derailments do anything to forward worthwhile information for prospective UW-Madison students is beyond me.</p>

<p>Yeah. They both really add an ugly flair to the forums. Unfortunately both are too immature to realize it.</p>

<p>What exactly did I do wrong here? I didn’t start this thread and didn’t say anything negative about UW. In fact, I didn’t say anything different than BigTenDad. All I did was comment that this is a non-story. </p>

<p>Geez whiz. No need to paint me with barrons.</p>


<p>Let me shed some light on the question you pose. This is my first ever post. I am the parent of a freshman at UW. I have been coming to this board since my son first expressed interest in the school and have found it to be a tremendous resource for him and myself that has helped us understand if the university was a good fit, and more importantly, how to navigate the choices before attending and now that he is on campus.
I have personally reduced my use of this valuable resource for one reason, and one reason, only. Simply put, a dramatic distaste for your involvement here. When you are gone I may return. It is a shame that you must poison a valuable tool with your babble. I doubt that I am the only one who has left here due to your participation. Of course, you will not understand this, nor agree with it.
Just know that you have negatively affected well intended people trying to use a valuable resource and look for positive information about an institution we regard highly. Very sad that you can’t find something better, or more constructive, to do with your time.</p>

<p>mem, I have found the “Ignore” function blissful.</p>

<p>Really? I wasn’t even aware that there was an ignore function. Thanks for pointing it!</p>

<p>Mem3184, I’m sorry you feel that way, but my understanding is that this board isn’t meant to be – or, at least, isn’t meant to be limited to – a cheerleading forum for parents of enrolled students. It’s a board where posters should feel free to post both positive AND negative information about a school, which in either case the reader can be presumed to be intelligent enough to take into account or dismiss as they see fit. What a poster should never do is hurl personal insults at any other poster (for example, using “babble” to refer to their posts) – this is inconsistent with CC rules, and is something that you will never see me do. </p>

<p>I happen to have the opinion that UW is a very good school in many ways but is also lacking in other significant ways (chiefly diversity, graduation rates, and financial aid). I’m entitled to my opinion, just as you’re entitled to yours, and no amount of chiding by you will make me go away.</p>

<p>If you want to start another website limited to UW boosters with one-sided opinions, have at it.</p>

<p>Good suggestion, Stooge. For anybody who needs specific instructions, click on “my control panel” on the blue bar near the top of the page. Then “edit ignore list” and
type the username of the person whose posts you no longer wish to see.</p>

<p>Just be sure to log in each time you visit the site.</p>

<p>UW-Madison is a crazy party school and sounds like a great time. I think in the tuition they account for liver transplant costs so that’s always a plus</p>

<p>Careful, seniorrxcbro, that kind of talk is strictly forbidden on the UW site!</p>

<p>Apparently the 86k in fines didn’t work:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.channel3000.com/education/25344417/detail.html[/url]”>http://www.channel3000.com/education/25344417/detail.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_25d124d0-d3eb-11df-9a27-001cc4c002e0.html[/url]”>http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_25d124d0-d3eb-11df-9a27-001cc4c002e0.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Young adults feel invulnerable to any misfortune- there will be those who never think it will happen to them. I’m waiting for the negative comments next month after the State St Halloween bash…</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, here’s a scenario. On a campus of some 40,000 plus students 400 is around 1%, even 4,000 is less than 10%. Hardly a majority although a noticeable by their actions minority- if that many are involved in anything. Also add in that not all rowdy people are students. Seems like over 90% of the students are NOT involved. Manipulating the news and figures one can make the student body look good or bad.</p>

<p>Potential future students (and their parents). The UW campus has room for many kinds of students. It is easy to become involved or stay away from many activities and find like minded friends. Consider how different various parents/alumni are from our posts (barrons and I led entirely different campus lives). Those parents who insist there be no temptations will have trouble with the availability of such in Madison. Those who trust their children will not worry. Some of those children will learn lifelong lessons after experimenting with lifestyles or observing them in others and have an internal compass, not just externally imposed rules, to guide their adulthood. Life as a college student is a quasi adult/quasi continuation of childhood time.</p>

<p>Addenda- I forgot to do my cheerleading. On Wisconsin!</p>


<p>There aren’t 40,000+ undergrads at UW. Nobody’s suggesting that Ph.D students at UW are getting “rowdy” every weekend. So your “scenario” is way off base from the get go.</p>

<p>It just seems that there are weekly reports in the local media in Madison of dozens of students getting arrested or cited for underage drinking or disorderly conduct at every UW home game. In all seriousness, I don’t know if that is happening with too many other big time football programs. Maybe it is.</p>

<p>There’s something like 75,000 people at these games.</p>