UW Madison Spring 2015 Transfer Thread

<p>No @njman13‌, did you?</p>

<p>I just got in!</p>

<p>I was just accepted as well! </p>

<p>Got accepted too :)</p>

<p>The University told me my application was postponed until I turn in my fall semester grades. They also said I could update my application with awards or other things, I don’t know what to think.</p>

<p>Didn’t get in :/, still trying to decide if it’s worth reapplying for next fall after I pad my gpa and take quantitative reasoning requirements or just go to UMN… Anybody not get in their first attempt? How did you find out additional info for your second attempt? They gave me no feedback on what I could do to strengthen app in the future.</p>

<p>No one says you can’t go to UMN and apply to UW in the future. Who knows, maybe UWN is all you wanted in a college and then some. Maybe not. If you succeed at UWN, I’m sure UW will take notice on your next application. Also don’t be shy about participating in leadership positions at wherever you attend. </p>

<p>@wroblewskij‌ well, I’m already in a position in which this is my 3rd school. I want the next transfer to be my last. UW is a lot more convenient for me as it’s cheaper and I have a for sure job there. I applied with a 3.3 but my grades this semester are already at 3.5 plus. </p>

<p>I understand. I guess I would weigh the pros/cons of either transferring more times than you would like or deciding to give up on your preferred university. I totally understand the huge cost in time/money/energy that goes into a transfer (this will also be my third transfer). Sometimes the only way to get to where you want to go is an indirect route. Let me put it this way; the only one who will truly care how many times you’ve transferred is you. If you are already attending a university (I assume you are?), maybe stick it out there another semester and apply again after your fall grades are finalized. It wouldn’t hurt if you are participating in some extra-curricular’s or leadership positions already this semester.</p>

<p>I signed the automatic transfer agreement with UW Madison and Madison College (MATC). The contract states that if you get 54 transferable credits at MATC and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout those semester then you will get admitted to UW. The admissions office said that my application was postponed however, they need to see my transcript with my grades from this semester. I hope they just postponed my application because they want to see if my accumulative gpa stays above a 3.0 after this semester. Is anyone else in my situation or have anything to add to this?</p>

do you know about transfer apps?

anyone that is transferring for the fall of 2015 hear back yet? i’m dying to find out!