UW Madison Spring 2015 Transfer Thread

<p>@Badger7‌ Mine says the same thing too, I don’t know if it’s been there the whole time, but what did the admissions office tell you exactly? </p>

<p>@Badgercr7, When I called, the admissions rep said that it was an error on their part. He said that that they were going to look into it to see if other people were having the same thing showing up. I asked what the credit evalution thing was’ and he said that those show up once you’ve been admitted… but both of us still are not admitted. He also said that I have nothing to worry about and to expect the decision anytime from now until the end of the month. So… I am wondering if we’ve both been unoffically admitted? What do you think? </p>

<p>@Badgercr7, Mine just showed up… I have been checking that tab since September. Under the application material status does it say that they have requested your final college transcripts yet? Mine also changed to saying that. </p>

<p>@Badger7‌ does it still show your eval and that they requested your transcripts? And when did you apply?</p>

<p>@BraxtonJ, Yes it is still showing that. I applied on August 19th. Is it showing this for you? When did you apply? </p>

<p>@Badger7‌ If we both have our transfer credit evaluations, it means that they already went over our file, which is why I am curious to know what their decision is… It is weird that they would make a mistake such as this one. At least, we have some new information instead of not knowing a thing… Mine does not ask for my final college transcripts, it just gives me my transfer credit. Hopefully this all means that we both got in. I’ll post if some new information comes up </p>

<p>@Badger7‌ no I don’t currently have either of those. But I also received acknowledgement of my application on September 18th so a whole month after you haha. But I mean if they evaluated your credits I feel like that’s usually a good thing. </p>

<p>@Badger7 @Badgercr7‌ I have a request for a transcript for this semester but no evaluation of my credits yet. I bet that means I have to wait until the end of the month.</p>

<p>@njman13‌ when did you apply?</p>

<p>@njman13‌ I have a request for a transcript as well but not an evaluation of my credits. I applied about the middle of September</p>

<p>I applied 8/29.</p>

<p>Another freshmen decision notification wave last night… </p>

<p>Did anyone end up hearing anything? What are you guys doing about housing if you get in? </p>

<p>@Badger7‌ I didnt. Hopefully we will hear this upcoming week </p>

<p>im so nervous about not getting into wisconsin! i want to go here so badly. I’m transferring from an ivy, but I’m still so anxious that something wrong will happen with my application. </p>

<p>@ihcusmkmn‌ what ivy are you currently attending?</p>

<p>Does anyone know why they hold out so long to notify us of our decision? Is it because the admission process is “rolling” or are they waiting to receive the decisions of those who were admitted before us? Any ideas…</p>

<p>@transferuw12, I have no clue, but hopefully we hear back soon… I mean the next semester starts up in just over a month that does not give us much time to transition if we get in. </p>

<p>Yeah it’s crazy… I would still have to put in my two weeks notice at my place of employment if I get accepted lol. And then find a sublet if I’m unable to go through with the one I have already lined up. Tomorrow marks the 12th week that my application has “been under review”.</p>

<p>Anyone hear anything yet?</p>