UW-Madison v. UMass Amherst

<p>So I've been admitted to UW Madison as well as UMass Amherst.</p>

<p>I'm in state for UMass Amherst, and my MCAS scores (state standardized test) earned me the Abigail Adams scholarship (which, essentially, waives tuition at public Mass. school.)</p>

<p>You would think this would be an easy choice since UMass Amherst is so cheap. Well...</p>

<p>I love UW Madison. I love the atmosphere, the academics are top notch and challenging, the campus is vibrant and active and social and fun and not to mention beautiful. But, being from Massachusetts, I'd be paying out-of-state tuition, and thus, a lot more than I'd be shelling out at UMass Amherst.</p>

<p>Thing is, I don't really care much for UMass Amherst. I mean, I don't hate it and it's a good school, but I don't love it either. I didn't like any of the other UMass schools, and I applied to UMass Amherst as a safety. I got into both of my top two schools - UW Madison and University of Washington - Seattle (leaning UW Madison), and as I stated, I am in love with UW Madison. </p>

<p>My first question is: Would I be stupid not to go to UMass Amherst since it'd be so "cheap"?</p>

<p>My second question: I know UW Madison doesn't give a whole lot of financial aid to out-of-state students, but if I wrote them a letter explaining how my dad tried to start a business and it eventually flubbed, and explain to them how much I love UW Madison, do you think they might give me some more money? I also have a job and money of my own saved, and I'm willing to even get a second job for the summer because I just love UW Madison so much.</p>

<p>Thank-you all for you time, I really appreciate any advice!</p>

<p>Don’t count on any extra financial aid from UW based on loving the school. Changes in your financial situation are worth submitting but the reasons do not matter- ie no sympathy aid. You are not the only student who could use more money. Plenty of students end up at their state flagship for financial reasons. Do not borrow a lot of money just to go OOS for undergrad. The only reason to give up the UMass money is if it is no burden to you or your family to go OOS. Don’t forget the extra costs for travel.</p>

<p>Thank-you for your reply!</p>

<p>What you said definitely makes sense to me about getting extra aid, so I’ll definitely keep that in mind.</p>

<p>I was discussing it with my dad and he’s encouraging me to go where I want, which would probably be Madison. Though, I’m certainly weighing the UMass money, and am definitely thinking about it even more via your advice. I’ll just have to sit down and discuss it with my parents, I suppose.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>I would choose Umass, its a easy decision. Can you afford to be 140K in debt?? Uw is a challenging school in terms of grades, they make the easiest classes hard (anything that isn’t covered in class gets covered on tests). My friends kids went to Rutgers and 1 is a Doctor the other is attended NYU law school free!! Good luck</p>

<p>UW is the better school (and it’s easy to see why you fell in love with it) but not worth the difference in cost if it is a hardship to your family. Do well at UMass and you can go to UW for grad school. :)</p>

<p>Definitely time to discuss the family finances with your parents. Four years worth of expenses, any siblings’ needs and the budget.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the Adams scholarship only covers tuition and NOT fees. Fees make up a the largest portion of the cost of attendance at UMass. Tuition at UMass Amherst was $1700 this academic year. Fees were over $10,000 (est.). The value of the Adams scholarship is only $1700. So while you will get a bit of a break, is that enough to make UMass worthwhile? As a Mass resident whose daughter intends to apply to Wisconsin I won’t let the Adams scholarship be a factor in our decision making.</p>

<p>Wow, I never realized that. I talked to my dad at least and he said I should go to Wisco if I want to go there. My mom hasn’t really answered me, tbh. I’m really leaning Wisco because although it’s more expensive and I’ll have to take out more loans, I feel as though it’s is a better fit for me and that the quality of education is higher there.</p>

<p>Thanks Bennnie, that was really helpful and I’ll definitely take that into consideration.</p>

<p>Parents who don’t say anything have mixed feelings- their wishes for their kids and an eye on family finances. Have that talk and find out the family situation. It could be doable or one parent really does not want to limit you regardless of their sacrifices- only a discussion will help you know.</p>

<p>As a parent whose daughter was accepted to Both UMASS-Amherst and Wisconsin this year, the decision was a no brainer. My D is going to Wisconsin and the cost difference is well worth it IMHO. Although UMass is 1/2 the price of Wisconsin, the difference between the schools are huge.</p>

<p>To me, the comparison is like a Ford to a Lexus. If you can swing the cost, I think the education and opportunities after graduation are much greater at UW but you also need to make sure the degree that you are seeking has a decent chance of employment upon graduating.</p>

<p>Agree- the cost is the only issue here. No school is worth a ton of debt.</p>

<p>What about the Scholars program at University of Maryland VS. University of Wisconsin, Madison for a kid from Boston?</p>