Why Wisconsin?

<p>I'm out of state (Massachusetts) and I was accepted a while ago (Superbowl Sunday). When I applied, I didn't seriously consider Wisconsin, and it's not my top choice, but given that I have a couple weeks before the rest of my decisions come in.</p>

<p>The scenario I'm looking at is: Why choose UW over UMass (keeping in mind that I live outside of Boston)?</p>

<p>Wisconsin is a completely unknown wildcard to me right now, and without visiting (which may be difficult) it'd be hard for me to pass up UMass as a known quantity.</p>


<p>man o man i am also considering umass and uwisc--but i was postponed to uwisc still waiting..i also live in mass! how ironic!</p>

<p>how about that.</p>

<p>where do you live?</p>

<p>i'm in Belmont.</p>

<p>have you visited Wisc's campus?</p>

<p>My stance is, I'll have 20 people going to UMass from my school (whether that's a good or bad thing is up in the air) and while Wisconsin is better academically, I don't know if I could handle the party atmosphere.</p>

<p>Isn't UMass often called "Zoomass"</p>

<p>Why Wisconsin? It's in a different league academically than UMass, it's one of the nations top public schools and ranks above some top schools in the boston area such as BC and BU. Madison is a great college city, it's better to try a new region, the school spirit, the list goes on. I think you need to research UW better if you wish to understand the party dynamic. It's a huge school. You can do whatever you want to (or don't want to ).</p>

<p>Umass is the biggest party school in the country so I don't really know where your fear of the party atmoshpere is coming from. Wisconsin has fallen in the ranks for a few years now and isnt quite what it used to be, much more intellectual and hard working now.</p>

<p>I am also from massachusetts, Sudbury, and am passing up the free tuition scholorship to Umass for Wisonsin.</p>

<p>Guapo, do you mean risen in the ranks?</p>

<p>He probably meant fallen in the ranks of the party index.</p>

<p>sorry, I wrote that very early this morning and wasnt clear. Wisconsin has fallen in the ranks of party school, and risen academically.</p>

<p>they havent fallen.... they are the #1 party school this year according to princeton review</p>

<p>I'm also from MA, and have visited UW. Unless you are finanically disadvantaged, there is aaaabsolutely NO reason for you to pass up UW for UMass. None.</p>

<p>Sorry, I must have been looking somewhere else on the rankings. Anway, I guess a better point to get accross is those rankings dont hold much weight and its really up to the individual in how they want to shape their social environment in college. I believe anywhere you go there will be partying going on and its all whether you want to be involved or not. Wisconsin also happens to have huge sports which Umass lacks, and I really think the academics at Wisconsin is on par with Michigan.</p>

<p>uhh just putting in my 2 cents whether you guys care or not... but since when do "party school rankings" have any merit whatsoever???</p>