UW-Madison vs. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Business Schools?

I have been accepted as a direct admit to both UW-Madison and Minnesota Twin Cities business schools and am trying to decide which one is better? I like the Minnesota campus better but I’ve also heard about how good Madison’s program is. Which school has a better undergraduate program and sets you up better for grad school and the work force? Thanks.

UW Madison is the superior school. Minnesota is a good school, but not Wisconsin level. Are you OOS for both? If it’s the same price, go for Madison.

Simple, go to the one that’s in-state.

@coolguy40 if the OP is a resident of either MN or WI they are both in-state, they have tuition reciprocity

Madison is hands down the better business school

What makes Wisconsin the superior school? Like is it the curriculum or the average salary coming out? Minnesota has 17 Fortune 500 companies so why wouldn’t Minnesota be better?

Are you direct admit at either one? If you have direct admit, take it.
If you’re not direct air anywhere, see if admission to the business school is competitive or selective - ie., You need to have certain grades in certain classes and if you do your in OR the grades in certain classes are a cut off and there’s further selection after that.

@MYOS1634 read the post first before offering blather. OP is direct admit to both.

They are both good. I doubt whether Madison has the lead in salaries or grad school acceptances. I think the choice would depend on whether you prefer the UW or U of MN campuses and the respective cities.

@UW2016: my mistake (did read OP), but tone uncalled for.

so far, you’ve got the campus “vibe”. Have you done an overnight at both? If not, try to arrange that, or at least a visit where you attend a freshman composition class and a freshman management class. Those are usually easy to compare (take notes on student engagement, learning styles, everything you can notice). Add: visiting the library and the gym, and how easy it is to get to each, and eating in the cafeteria, not just for the food but also to see whether people are social and chat.
You may also want to learn about the process of getting into the Honors College (if you haven’t already) and LLC’s/FIGs.
Look deeper into the content of the program. Compare sample 4-year plans, for instance.
It is my understanding that the program architecture and process are different at both though so I’d still encourage OP to explore the way the entrance-to-major classes and majors are structured. I know that UWisconsin has an especially equalitarian perspective whereby, once admitted, there’s no further selection, and being preadmit allows one to directly enroll in business classes but does not close anything for students who choose to apply later on. I don’t know whether that’s the same. I would also look at cut offs, flexibility, and variety in senior year offerings.

Both business schools seem to be excellent. Our oldest daughter is an accounting graduate from UW-Madison, and had access to opportunities in Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Chicago. She chose Chicago. We are Wisconsin residents; each of 3 daughters weighed MN and WI, but chose Madison. I like the MN campus, too, as well as the Twin Cities; I understand, however, that the student experience (separate from the business schools themselves) is superior at Madison. Congratulations on a tough choice!

If you haven’t yet done so, I recommend posting your question on the MN threads, too.

Easy-let US News rankings decide for you !

P.S. Both are tied at #15 along with Emory, Georgetown, Ohio State & Illinois. US News Best Business Programs 2018 Edition

@Publisher surely you jest. How about the rankings by Forbes, Niche, Bloomberg, Wharton, College Choice, CNBC, The Economist, etc. They all are biased. Except for the top 5 schools the rest are alll over the place. Visit the schools, check out the curriculum, or flip a coin.

@UW2016 Of course it was meant in jest since both are ranked the same !

You should check out key stats for each. This will get you started: https://carlsonschool.umn.edu/degrees/undergraduate

Placement rate esp. is important, given that you are in a professional program.

Other differences I recall is that Carlson automatically has you do a study abroad, it has it’s own career placement office and program for the undergrads (not part of the university’s overall undergrad. placement), and there is no foreign language requirement in the curriculum. Could be wrong but I thought the curriculum included a higher percentage of actual business courses than WSB, including two courses your first year.

On the other hand, the academics at UW are hard to beat, and they encourage you to take more economics than does Carlson (although you can certainly minor in Econ. at the latter).

Both are great places. Good job! And good luck with your decision!

What do you want to major in? What clubs are you willing to apply to? UW is not a a monolith – if you get in to IBC and CMC clubs you might be in the target range, if not, the future job prospects will be no different than UM. Are you a Gold scholar? If so, UM may still be better. Are you a Kemper scholar? If so, UW wins, because (being Kemper=NMS) you will get into IBC, will get your internships and end up at a bulge stratum. Much to consider.

@bubbba says - because (being Kemper=NMS) you will get into IBC, will get your internships and end up at a bulge stratum

Interesting statement. Didn’t know anything was automatic about getting accepted into IBC. And well it shouldn’t be as the resume, the essays, and 4-5 interviews one must to do to qualify is excellent prep for real world. And know that UW Bus Sch (and UM) is NOT a target school for BBs. IBC will work to help you make introductions on club meet and greets to New York and Chicago and they also have an excellent sophomore internship program with UW alums who run cap funds. Whether at UM or UW stay focused on academics. It’s a cruel world out there for 3.5ers.