UW or UC Davis???

<p>I have a week to decide where i wanna go for undergraduate, and I have no idea how to decide. Its mainly between University of Washington (honors program) and Davis
Money isn't an issue (i can get instate tuition for both)
any recommendations? I'm worried that UW won't have such a good social environment because there are so many commuters but Davis could be boring. I dont want to go into sciences so international relations/other humanities.

<p>“I’m worried that UW won’t have such a good social environment because there are so many commuters”</p>

<p>It has a GREAT environment. Sure there are alot of commuters but the school is huge and there are lots of students who live near campus. Both are fine choices, but based on location and getting the “big U” experience I would go to UDub in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>Davis loves bicycling. It really comes down to your visits to decide which campus felt better for you. You’re less likely to become friends with commuters, so don’t worry about them much in your decision.</p>