UW System promises 2% tuition cap

<p>Next 2 years. More instate aid.</p>

<p>Does this refer to the jsonline article [Governor</a>, GOP lawmakers urge 2-year UW tuition freeze](<a href=“http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/uw-system-head-pledges-tuition-cap-more-financial-aid-lm9ki92-203805911.html]Governor”>Scott Walker, GOP lawmakers urge 2-year UW tuition freeze)
UW System Pres said he’d recommend a 2% cap due to $1billion surplus.</p>

<p>Wow - article has just been updated to state Gov Walker recommends a tuition freeze. [Governor</a>, GOP lawmakers urge 2-year UW tuition freeze](<a href=“http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/uw-system-head-pledges-tuition-cap-more-financial-aid-lm9ki92-203805911.html]Governor”>Scott Walker, GOP lawmakers urge 2-year UW tuition freeze)</p>

<p>Ridiculous! a $650 million ‘reserve fund’ that includes $414.1 million in our tuition dollars!</p>

<p>Audit results prompt GOP call for UW tuition freeze
April 19, 2013 |
A new Legislative Fiscal Bureau report shows the University of Wisconsin System will finish the current fiscal year with nearly $650 million sitting in reserve, including $414.1 million in surplus tuition dollars, prompting calls from Republican legislative leaders for a tuition freeze.</p>

<p>The bureau released a memo Friday saying the tuition surplus was $212.8 million as of mid-2009. Base tuition across the system’s four-year schools has gone up 5.5 percent annually since then.</p>

<p>A joint statement from Republican legislative leaders expressed outrage at the surplus, and described the accounting as a display of incompetence on the part of UW system administrators.</p>

<p>Geez, maybe next time the UW Foundation calls for a donation (my D hasn’t even graduated yet) I should ask them for a retroactive 3.5% rebate for 3 years out of that 650 million. :)</p>

<p>Absolutely rediculous. Having money for a rainy day or down-turn in enrollment might be the right thing to do. The fact that they were hiding it in multiple accounts and never brought it out in the open to debate/discuss makes this seem criminal. 5% tuition increase…wow!</p>

<p>Well, as usual the first stories were missing just one small fact–such balances are carried by all major public U’s–in fact often a higher level. 25% of one year’s budget is standard. UW us below that level. Much of the funds were planned to be used just as intended–to expand hiring in high demand fields but hiring professors is an LONG process so the money has to be set aside now for a job that will not be filled for often two years–one year to hire and one year notice to current school. So if you think the right-wing exteme UW hating folks in the Capitol are right–nope. Just as uninformed as ever.</p>