Va Tech now accepting the Common App

This is like pouring gas on a fire…

So they’ll accept both Common App and Coalition App, just like William & Mary.

Colleges are a business - competing for the best and the brightest (and the ones that can pay more is a bonus). With Covid and declines in out of state enrollment (which creates budget shortfalls), going to accepting the common application gives them a greater pool to pull from (especially out of state).

I’m not so sure that including the common app as an option is going to drive a big spike in applications. The app is the vehicle for delivering the students info/data, but there is still VT specific content that will need completing for either option. I just don’t think there was a big group out there that during the last 2 prior app cycles said “I really want to apply to VT, but I just refuse to fill out that pesky coalition app since all my other schools accept the common app”.

The biggest historical jump in applications took place while VT was still under their own app system. Since then the number of applications has remained very similar, in spite of a lot of strong opinions on how adding the coalition app might result in applications going through the roof. We’re 3 years into a trend of roughly 32,000 applications. I bet it doesn’t exceed 34,000 for Fall 2021 apps. Any takers?

@ShenVal18 - Surprisingly in NOVA, there seems to be some population of students that don’t apply to VT because they aren’t on the Common App. Schools in that area push the Common App and students that think of VT as a safety or match just don’t bother filling out the app because they have other options in this category.

The good news for VA students is that they don’t have to fill out 2 different applications for VT and UVA (and W&M).

That’s kind of what I was trying to say but realized my post was a little convoluted. What I meant to say was that if a student really wanted to go to VT, they weren’t going to be deterred by having to fill out a separate application from the common app.