Vaccine Enthusiasm

I am thankful to be vaxxed, to interact with unvaxxed with masks as may be preferred or required indoors, and to have vax card to assure others who invite me, that yes, I was vaxxed.

They want to encourage people to get vaxxed.

Peace be with you, I remain optimistic. Dr.Gottleib thinks delta will peak.
Looking forward to planning travel to Canada!


I signed up as soon as I was eligible, and drove a 3 hr round trip to get it a few weeks sooner. I couldn’t wait. I am still being careful with Delta rampant in our area, but I appreciate the peace of mind afforded by the extremely low chance of serious illness for the vaccinated.


Sooooo happy about vaccines and got ours as soon as we were able. Will happily get a booster since I hear the efficacy of the Pfizer over time may drop.


Something is wrong if something like half the posts on a thread are flagged.


Is AdminMike on vacation?


Yeah, it’s my fault, @cinnamon1212, I asked a question that was not close enough to the intent of the thread, without reading earlier posts admonishing us not to do so. These are new times at cc.

Got some very helpful answers to my question, though, this is a fantastic community. I guess I have to learn the new rules.


D22 goes back to school today, and she’s fully vaccinated! (Not to be taken for granted in the UK because 16-17 year olds officially became eligible for vaccines only a few weeks ago but a number of vaccination centers started offering vaccines to under 18s early in the summer.)