Vaccine Mandates at Fordham and those with Medical Exeptions?

My son had seizures caused by vaccinations and he has medical exemptions for further vaccinations. He is now college age and has applied to Fordham. Does anyone know if this applies to Medically Exempt students or just those who philosophically exempt themselves? Thank you.

As someone whose child is also considering Fordham, I hope the school does not allow ANYone to “philosophically exempt” themselves from vaccines, and I hope the school is very very careful about allowing students to “medically exempt” themselves from vaccines.

The tone and source of the linked article, together with OP’s response on the thread about people who don’t vaccinate, makes me wonder whether there is actually some “philosophical” opposition to vaccines going on here under cover of a convenient “medical” justification.

Side note:I am exempt due to immunosupression.

Anyway, this article is straight up untrue and clearly biased. I highly suggest that the OP find a more reputable source for school policy, such as the school’s website. Also, the article is from 3 years ago.

Sorry to be harsh, but I dislike those who try to stir the pot with an already unnecessarily sticky issue.

gclsports, No student can “Medically Exempt themselves”. A doctor will do that. My child suffered a seizure disorder because of vaccinations. Please do not judge unless you have walked in someone’s shoes who has lived this nightmare. Someone on that other thread was extremely rude to me which provoked my comments. I was pro-vaccination until I saw first hand what they can do. If you are sending your child out in the world, there are millions of people who have not be vaccinated to the degree young children are being required to be vaccinated today. I am fully vaccinated, but do not have the vaccines required of my children, nor do any people over age 25. Therefore, your child will be subjected to millions of people who are not up to the 2017 schedule. What are you going to do about that? I doubt you are vaccinated to the point your child is. Are you a danger to your child?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: The OP should contact Fordham to find out their policy. Closing thread.