Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Same for me - I call the TDAP the grandma shot now.


This seems much like the type of research discussed in Nicholas Wade’s May 2nd paper as a speculative source for the origin of SARS–2.

When she was pregnant, D asked H & me to get TDaP if we weren’t up to date. We actually had both received them within the past couple years. Her OB is the one who suggested it.

I really wish more people would get vaccinated (Covid). It makes me sad that we can’t just take our 6 month old GD more places, but it doesn’t make sense to possibly expose her to people who choose not to get vaccinated. They are putting more than just themselves in jeopardy.

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Posted on another thread, BC not allowing a religious exemption for vaccination based on the fetal cell connection to marketed vaccines:


“How DARE a Catholic college follow the Pope and accept science, rather than base their practices on the sacred texts that I read on the Holy Face Book, which were written by the anonymous saints of The Gospels of QAnon!”


Good. And I am sick of the term “moral” being bandied about by the reluctant who put everyone else at risk. Surely our first moral obligation is to protect the people who are already here.

Everyone who is unvaccinated (excluding legitimately exempt) has a moral obligation to ensure they are not the one who is responsible for a virus mutation which could be even more deadly.


Note that point 5 in says “Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable.”

I.e. they want those who choose not to get vaccinated to continue to do other measures to prevent spread.

Ouch. This is starting to hurt.

I thought the purpose of this thread was to share ideas about how to encourage the vaccine reluctant. I came here because of my own struggles with the vaccine and to help me make a decision. It’s a troubling topic so I can understand venting but some posts are just so harsh that I can imagine if a person like me who was wanting to do the right thing came here for information or education and read some of these posts, they would want to run in the other direction.

On another point, there are a lot of misconceptions that need to be addressed and I will try based on my experience of the pandemic as a middle class suburban NJ Catholic:

An extremely high percentage of folks in the pews at my local Catholic parishes are vaccinated, at least as high or higher than the general population here. They care about their health and the health of the people around them. The average person has absolutely no clue about the fetal cell line issue.

The priests in our area have been mostly very vocal in their support of vaccination, and they seem to assume adults in their parishes are already vaccinated. That’s how strong the pro-vaccine sentiment in the churches is. It’s a given.

Most Catholics I know only know what the pope says if it shows up on a popular news outlet and they only pay attention if it’s something they have a personal interest in, one way or the other.

Obviously there are others that feel the way that I do. They are a rather small minority, and there’s diversity in this group, too, so I can’t speak for everyone. But no one in their right mind wants to get covid or spread it or incubate a dangerous mutant.

I mask, I wash my hands, I keep hand sanitizer in my car and use it. I don’t go into stores without a reason. I think I ate inside once since the pandemic began. I avoid indoor public places besides church. I keep distance outside. When I am near groups of people indoors for something unavoidable, I gargle when I get home and continue to do it a few times a day for a few days. I apparently had an asymptomatic case of covid and managed not to spread it to my family members. I do all the things I can to optimize immunity. I have talked to all my kids about getting vaccinated and took the one who wanted to get vaccinated to the mega site with a smile on my face.

So I am trying to be considerate and responsible and learn what I can as I grapple with the moral issue of the vaccine in order to make the best decision I can given the choices I have now and will likely have in the near future, and I’m getting the feeling that many of you would rather have it done with and put people like me in front of a firing squad.


I will also add that I do what I can to encourage people who are high risk to get vaccinated and correct people who have fallen prey to misinformation and conspiracy theories despite my own moral-based reservations.


Yep. And maybe that’s the objective. Sadly, this thread has become the ultimate 'circulus in probando’ example. Then again, just a microcosm of the world outside of CC.

and FB is sooo dĂ©modé 

if you feel a post has crossed the line, you can click on the little flag at teh bottom of that post to alert the mods to check it out wrt their ToS.

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That is great advice @bluebayou ! I was about to say the same thing. Flags are the community’s tool for keeping discussion civil and open.

When you see a post that doesn’t meet CCs forum rules or TOS, flag it! As few as 2 senior members flagging the same post will cause it to auto-hide for review by the mods. In this way we can all do a little bit to keep CC healthy and growing.

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No, we’d rather people get vaccinated.

As for people running away from this thread because they think we are mean, I’d suggest looking at it from the perspective of those who have done all they can to stop the virus mutating and becoming more deadly.

It isn’t surprising that there may not be a lot of sympathy for those whose morals, or willful ignorance, or stubbornness, or blind loyalty, or whatever the reason is, put others at risk. Because that’s the reality of it. The longer people wait, the more the virus will mutate, the more people will die, and the longer it will take to get back to normal life. (And again, I exclude anyone who can’t be vaccinated.)

I’m very glad that you take such precautions, by the way. Your chance of contracting or spreading the disease seems negligible, which is great. I wonder how many people are as conscientious as you. Given how the Delta variant is still spreading like wild fire, I’m guessing a substantial number aren’t. The majority of posts in this thread are directed towards all those who aren’t being as conscientious as you. If someone is uncomfortable with what’s being said in this thread, they can leave it, but at least the only person they are negatively impacting is themselves.


Saw a new fallacy out there today:

I truly believe some folks sit around purposely making this stuff up to revel in how far it goes later - perhaps a drinking game? It’d be a super easy one between Covid and politics.

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I thought about your statement a lot. It’s actually the opposite. We are trying to get people like you to not play Russian roulette.


The way I see it, those who choose to not be vaccinated HAVE to continue to mask, social distance, avoid crowds, etc. My issue is with those who take no precautions and then get sick.

Too many signs have large print: NO MASKS REQUIRED, with small print: if vaccinated. Too many unvaxxed people are relaxing cautions as if they are immune.

From my understanding, the Delta variant is so contagious that even people who take precautions are at risk.


May be part of a disinformation campaign. European Medical Agency COVID vaccine data was hacked last December.

“ The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has warned that information on COVID-19-related medicines and vaccines, which was stolen in a cyberattack last December and leaked online earlier this week, includes correspondence that’s been manipulated prior to publication “in a way which could undermine trust in vaccines”.”

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And doing such things including manipulating data is why it makes more sense to be coming from “outside” the “believers” as with a drinking game (for a sick type of fun) or more sinister actually trying to cause fractions and/or deaths.