Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Someone traveling may want to consider whether a vaccine is approved in the country traveled to and/or by WHO, in case they encounter some “proof of vaccine required” situations.

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Thank you for sharing. That’s such an interesting article, especially to see names of doctors who have been frequently quoted as experts in the pandemic taking different positions and even acting beyond the range of the current guidelines.

On the one hand, I think it’s good to be proactive in protecting oneself, but it makes me wonder about those people who might benefit more from a booster. I have no information regarding possible comorbidities, but those mentioned getting a second shot after the J&J seem rather young.

Although I have read that some people with known immunodeficiencies got additional doses of vaccine after antibody testing found little or know antibody response*, this recent one seems to be more of people being generally concerned about COVID-19 and/or that the J&J - Janssen vaccine may be less effective.

*Some got the J&J - Janssen vaccine after two doses of an mRNA vaccine did not result in antibodies. Some of them saw antibodies after the J&J - Janssen vaccine, while others did not.

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I’m sorry, but I don’t buy the argument that my calling out misleading information is somehow inappropriate or belittling, and I am unconcerned whether or not my doing so makes @MACmiracle less likely to get vaccinated. After all, it’s been over four months and five dozen of her posts since she started posting about the issue and suggested she may get vaccinated sooner if people just treated her well, and I think it is fair to assume by now that her heals are already well dug in.

Likewise, I don’t buy the excuse that this isn’t the CDC, or that what is happening are merely “musings.” Social media “musings” which create doubt about vaccinations and other remedial steps are a large part of why we are in this mess in the first place. For example, it is inaccurate and irresponsible for you to state, unequivocally, that the vaccinations are killing people. People read these posts and they might believe you.

Yep. This is why I strongly object to your reliance on anecdotes and misleading and out-of-context information that you write off as your “musings.” People are dying because social media is full of such “musings.”


This is very useful. Thanks for posting.

Those people are dying because they chose not to get vaccinated. Period.


Why they’re actively choosing not to get vaccinated matters. People have the right to choose not to get vaccinated. But it’s inexcusable for them to try to sway others’ decisions by intentionally spreading rumors, half-truths, out-of-date, or blatently inaccurate information. FB seems to be full of those types of people. This is why it’s important to vet sources. Articles arguing against the vaccine by doctors who only have the title because of an economics degree aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. FB posts by people who continuously post information that’s incomplete, inaccurate, and/or out-of-date lose all credibility.

Those of us with adequate healthcare and long-term primary physicians whose opinions we trust are extremely fortunate. But how many people have a trusted physician? Do most people see a doctor regularly for physicals and preventative care or only when they’re sick? What I’m seeing and hearing makes me think too many people rely on Dr Google for medical info. It makes me wonder about how much access they have to adequate medical care for themselves and their children.


Come on, now. We know that MANY people have chosen not to be vaccinated because of misinformation they have read on social media. Not all, but certainly a huge number have been influenced by social media or by certain “news” outlets that also have a social media presence.


I don’t think any information I’ve shared is misleading unless people choose to read it a certain way to suit their own agenda. And I’ve said it before, I don’t think people reading CC and this thread are likely to do that. I have tried to provide contexts and sources to make sure people reading know where it’s coming from.

Contrary to your assertion, I have not dug in my heels. I am grateful for the people willing to discuss with me, even if some topics are revisited again and again and it becomes tiresome for people who have heard it before. People treating me with so much kindness and grace here and letting me talk it out has been helpful particularly since my real life environment is even more political and there’s no space for me to discuss this and process.

If it’s been four or five months since I came here that aligns perfectly for my age group becoming eligible for vaccination and when I had my first antibody test showing evidence of immunity. My antibodies are still positive and my lifestyle is low risk, that’s it; there is no sinister reason me hanging around so long.


At this time, 275 lives are being lost every single day. “I am grateful for the people willing to discuss with me…” Seriously, there is nothing to discuss. We have to eradicate this disease and vaccination is the only way. What happened to compassion? How many more people have to die before this gets through to everyone?


Exactly. I’m out of patience.


See this post on how to put a user on ignore. Should you opt not to add a user to your ignore list, some things to keep in mind.

I’ve been doing this a long time and I can count on my right thumb the number of times a user’s mind was changed based on arguments on a thread.

So with that in mind, for any user who thinks they will be able to gain followers, you won’t. So don’t make the same point over and over.

For those users who disagree with another user’s position, after the first rebuttal, stop taking the bait.


Because of its ability to mutate and jump between humans and animals, Covid will not be eradicated. It’s not like smallpox or polio. We are going to have to learn to live with it. One way we do that is by getting vaccinated, because vaccines reduce the risk of serious illness and death.


Yes, my bad, thank you for that correction!

I have people on ignore. It’s a wonderful tool! :grin:


I just came back from the hairdressers. My hairdresser is not vaccinated. (She calls the flu vaccine poison.) She said that “they” (whoever they is) said that the vaccine is only good for 3 months. I don’t believe that. However, it is disconcerting to hear of all of those vaccinated who have now come done with it. I am so glad that DH and I are vaccinated.

Hope you find a new hair dresser! (No way am I knowingly getting that close an unvaccinated person for that length of time.)


Yep, I found a new stylist after the shop wasn’t following protocols last year and now I hear they’re not vaccinated. They’ve lost a lot of customers. My new place and stylist are great.


The good thing is all of the data I’ve seen from Israel and elsewhere shows that the vaccines are holding strong against severe Covid (and death).

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What does the “ignore” function do? Will their posts not appear on your screen? Or will you not get notification if they address you directly in their posts?