Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Well then, prepare for a large uptick in low-income and other NYC residents getting vaxed!

I could see where this could bankrupt or seriously financially hinder many hospitals. Just because they send a bill doesn’t mean it gets paid.


Yup, absolutely. Pre-COVID, a pediatrician friend told me that, after the Disney measles outbreak, the small number of anti-vax families in her practice hot footed it to her office to get their kids the MMR shot. Why? Their calculations had changed, based on increased risk to their kids’ health. That outbreak did what she had failed to do with years of reasoning and persuasion.

Sigh. You’re probably right. Garnishing wages might help. But a lot of those folks who are going to rack up half a million dollar ventilator/ICU bills are probably too close to retirement age for that to do any good. There has to be some way to hold those people financially accountable for their decisions, too though.

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AND the ones that have done the right thing and gotten vaccinated. They should not have to be subject to breakthrough infections with possible long covid. There are a lot of us out there. I would gladly let the vaccine refusers (often anti-maskers) suffer the consequences of their decision IF it didn’t affect others as well.

Again, “mask up, roll up, GROW UP.”


What is the ‘choice’ if a government requires a vax? (Private businesses can do what they want.) Or, are you speaking of the government as an employer, such that they should require all of their employees to get the jab?

A friend of my daughter, posted on Instagram that she hasn’t been vaccinated. She had Covid in the fall. Wanted to know if anyone had had any problems with missed periods.

So much misinformation out there that it’s hard for some to figure it out.

Simple. California changed the vax law for attending school, and eliminated the personal and religious exemptions. Further, the state Health Department established a system to track those docs who continued to provide medical exemptions (and threatened to audit them if they gave out excessive exemptions).

Government as an employer. But more than that. Government should require vaccinations for travel (which they control), and they should require for eligible teachers and students in order for states to receive federal funding.


Including busses, subways and trains? Is there any data that indicate that air travel is a spreader?

Specifically air travel. Doing so will make it easier for vaccinated to freely travel without masking and without all the confrontations taking place because of mask requirements.

Flight attendants aren’t taking self defense classes because of vaccinated people.

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Airlines resist collecting this data. In any event, even if transmission doesn’t take place on the planes or in the airports (which I highly doubt since we don’t really collect the data), how else does virus go from place A to place B? It doesn’t travel by itself. People carrying it do.

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Soon it won’t get you much anywhere

In the beginning all of PA’s hot spots were right along our highways.

That private or chartered airplane with the Texas legislators
 although under 10% got infected, apparently mild or asymptomatic, suggesting that their vaccines had the expected level of effectiveness.

Thank you, Creekland. That’s one perspective. There’s a lot of info out there that needs to be filtered. Unbiased is a rare adjective these days, unfortunately.

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Postal workers ? Oh well

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True, but pix showed many of them unmasked (unlike commercial travel). Plus, many were vaccinated, correct?

From what I understand, all or almost all of those in that small airplane were vaccinated, but under 10% got infected with mild or asymptomatic cases. That seems to be the expected level of protection from vaccination.

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Lest anyone think the pressure isn’t out there on people trying to do the right thing with vaxes (won’t touch the other parts of Covid - just vaxes):

There is a huge world of misinformation zealots out there, even with millions of people as data points now, worldwide and in the US.

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