Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The reason why she focused in flying is that it is controlled at the federal level and there are already requirements (security) for flying. Vaccine requirements could be put in place with the stroke of a pen.

Right now it’s mostly employers and a few forward looking cities that putting vaccine requirements in place. A good start but more is needed.

If you don’t want to get a vaccine don’t fly, don’t sit next to in a restaurant, and don’t work by me at the next desk. It’s Ann individual decision.


… complain if you get COVID-19.


uh, not quite. The feds also control the interstate trains and busses. Why should those who fly from DC to NYC (or vice versa) have to show a vax record, but those who take Amtrak do not? They both end up in the same place.

By focusing only are air transport – for which there is zero data about actual covid transmission — the author took the easy way out, as mandatory vaccines on Amtrak would be a non-starter.


I can tell you that, had you also proposed leeching or cupping as a treatment for COVID, you would likely not get a single reply that either acknowledged or disputed this claim.

The idea of herd immunity as a protection against COVID 19 has been raised, debated, and soundly rejected. No need to repeat it all just because you have not yet caught up on relevant information about the pandemic.


And the moderators are happy with crickets. Beating a dead horse is so overrated. :rofl:


Let’s see how this progresses. Days ago I called for vaccinations for all federal employees (including military) and for air travel as a way to get businesses onboard ( the real key). So how’s it going:

:white_check_mark: Federal employees (and contractors actually)

:white_check_mark:Military (eminent)…check

:x:Air travelers…not done, but there are rumblings for requiring for international arrivals, so all travelers may be next. Let’s hope.

:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Businesses…check for many large employers with more to come

:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Cities…I did not call for this one as I thought it impossible. I was wrong. Bravo NYC and Denver!!

Frankly, I’d be just fine with feds requiring vaccine for all interstate travelers, but I agree that politics (and not science) will probably not allow. It’s much easier to implement for air travelers as the infrastructure is already in place with TSA checks.


I’d be all for vaxes being required on Amtrak. As I’ve been reporting on the travel thread, Amtrak is sort of, kind of, trying to enforce it, then not enforcing it and many are taking advantage of that and, via overheard cell phone calls, telling others it’s not strict here.

Within the last hour I just overheard one unmasked lady loudly go on and on about all the problems with vaccines and how she’s never getting one. Those she’s with tend to not mask either.

I’ve definitely lost all sympathy for that category of people TBH. She’s not the only one, but she’s been the loudest one and the only one I know the vax status of - since she shared it with the whole observation deck car whether we cared to hear it or not.

After I got my last antibody test, I checked in with a friend whose whole family had covid over the winter. She had tested her antibodies before and they were positive, but when she tested them again in early summer, they were negative. She was one of those very mild cases where if someone else in the family hadn’t tested positive, they would have never thought of getting tested, or they were tired and suddenly lost their sense of smell. It’s unscientific, but, because of my friend’s results, in my mind I’ve started to think people like this might want to be cautious in depending too much or too long on natural immunity from infection.

Neither of our titres were high compared to the numbers vaccinated people are posting. That is something else I’ve been thinking about.


@Creekland if you knew what you know now about masking/Amtrak/upset people and those not following guidelines do you think you would have still chosen this train trip??

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You have to prove that your kid has been vaccinated to do things like go to school or attend summer camp. Is that akin to slave papers and birtherism too? Seems like a flawed analogy.


Here’s a study suggesting that having COVID could increase the probability of getting Alzheimers.

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Probably a good idea to read what CRS concludes about issues such as this. Note that Congress has the ability to regulate interstate commerce but this is subject to constitutional restrictions and plenty of debate. Executive orders would be problematic at minimum and likely considered an over-reach. Governing your executive branch employees isn’t the same thing as a federal mandate of the vaccine (in any form) for interstate matters. Worth a read:

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Executive orders are commonly used. Rent anyone? It’s not a federal mandate for a vaccine. It’s a requirement that if you want to travel by air you be vaccinated for the public good. It’s up to the individual.

I think it’s a good idea. You don’t. Let’s see what happens. :grin:


Looks like all those i’s and t’s will finally get crossed in next few weeks. Just a month or so ago the estimated date was in early 2022. Must have hired a few more GS13’s.

With final approval look for more businesses to require vaccinations as well as the possible availability of boosters (Pfizer first).

Your repeated slams at GS 13’s is strange. Do you have something against government employees?

Let’s see what happens with the rent thing. There is more precedent for extending that than successfully messing with the Commerce Clause.

Ironically, the rent moratorium is a result of Kavanaugh trying to be a nice guy. If he would have followed his legal reasoning and voted to over-rule the CDC in June, Congress would have had plenty of time to pass a law. Now, any Circuit Judge can make her own decision.

Its not really a slam just a recognition that a high level of expertise is required for such work.