Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Of course expertise is needed. . My H is above that grade and has had a very successful career in government. He was an Engineering and Public Policy grad from CMU. There are many GS 13’s out there in science and engineering, etc. that are helping to keep you and your family safe . Many kids are going for the big money these days so I hope the government can also keep the scientists and engineers we need.

Tech, consulting, and the hope of big money with computer science or startups are siphoning off lots of kids these days, including my own engineering grad sons. There are kids and their parents here posting frequently about getting into CS, whether or not they even seem to have the aptitude for it.


Didn’t the Biden administration try to get Congress to do something about an extension on the eviction moratorium? You are correct that now any circuit judge will decide either to be nice or mean. However, K’s specific rationale was that it was to end in a few weeks (7/31). Now it’s extended for another 60 days. Emergency request to vacate?

I suspect the Commerce Clause is harder to mess with given this court but I’ve been surprised before . . .

“Marks would not speculate on when the FDA might grant full approval, but some agency officials have suggested it could be a matter of weeks, not months.”

Really nothing new - they’ve put it on priority review - which we knew - and this just provides some details. No firm date (we’ve been hearing it could be a matter of weeks for weeks now). Hope this doesn’t become that marriage proposal where the date keeps getting put off . . .

No. Congress has the power per the Constitution.

The constitution has given congress the power (part of the reason why executive fiat that infringes upon this power gets struck down) but even this congressional power is subject to the provisions of the constitution. That’s part of the checks and balances process and why we have a federal court system.


yup, Kavanaugh got played.

IMO, the Commerce clause doesn’t fit, particularly in rents. Either most likely would have to fall under the US Public Health Service clause, and airlines could fit there, particularly international flights, but the rent moratorium fails even PHS since the feds could find a simpler (er “narrower”) solution, i.e., vaccinating the tenants.

I think there is a lot of latitude for the US gov’t to act w/r/t international flights.

There is no reason to even entertain the notion that Congress lacks the power to regulate interstate commercial travel. It’s a nonstarter.

Um . . . I think we are in agreement on that.

Worth reading because their power isn’t absolute.

I needed to do a serological test in Israel, since they do not accept vaccination records from anywhere else. My Anti-RBD IgG levels are more than 10X those of people who recovered from COVID, and my levels are around average - some people have 2X as high as I have.``


I didn’t read your post. That said, weaponization of the flagging feature is a trend. Welcome to the club. I might get flagged…lol…

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Thank you for sharing the info about antibody levels. It’s very helpful in assessing my own risk.

I have to say, I tried to talk to the people in my life about my plans for getting the vaccine. It didn’t go over well with the one person I was particularly worried about. It happens to be the person in my life with the most risk and the one who I would be most concerned about infecting if I got it. I’m just so tired of this.

I know you have thought so much about all of this, but I wonder if people would feel differently if they knew/believed covid is never going away?

Sure we won’t always be at a peak of infections, but the most likely scenario is that every year people are going to die of covid…for the rest of our lives, our kids lives, etc.

It’s just not realistic that there will ever be a covid free world again…many scientists think it will just become endemic, like flu. Maybe that could make some vaccine reluctant people more likely to choose different paths? I am feeling tired of all of this too.


Yes. I think you are right. It’s a different world now and everything is not going to back to what it was.

Not too long ago someone posted about pediatric icu beds being full in Missouri. Meanwhile, I was looking at the cdc data that was just released regarding seroprevalence. Missouri had what I considered to be very high seroprevalence prior to vaccinations…then add vaccinations and you would have expected some kind of protection…and yet pediatric icu beds were still full when Delta went through.

Meanwhile, I talked to a pediatric ER doctor, who told me that there have been times during the pandemic that the pediatric wards of our local hospital have been completely full, as in every bed taken, by kids who are waiting to get into inpatient psychiatric facilities but they can’t because they are full. They are not safe to go home so they just have to wait there for spaces to open up.

Our diocesan Catholic K-12 schools were in person everyday all day for every student since September last year and there was no in-school transmission. None. (Of course, individual students and staff had to quarantine at times.) So physically kids were safe but psychologically, many of our kids have not been okay.

It’s just such a confusing virus and it’s not going away.


How restrictive was the school? For example, I have heard of in-person K-6 schools that required masks, split students into morning and afternoon sessions to reduce density, and had no recess or lunch periods.

I am afraid unfortunately that the measures that worked last year to contain the virus, will not work now. At least not as effectively.

Now, all those not currently vaccinated are putting themselves in danger. And by extension are also putting those vulnerable vaccinated persons in peril also.

It’s only going to get worst if we don’t get this under control.

I wish I didn’t feel so much doom and gloom.


I agree. People think, for example, that masks in schools required will be the big victory. Not this time. Not with Delta (and the next variants).