Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I’m comfortable with that. I wouldn’t be comfortable with my young, unvaccinated child (under 12) purposely being a part of gathering data on unmasked kids. If an abundance of caution with masking is what it takes to give kids an in person school experience (young kids through college, vaccinated or not), my family is comfortable with those measures. And I can only speak for my family… and everyone is over 18 so all vaccinated.

Anecdotally, my D’s senior year was 100% in person with required masking and other measures mentioned by previous posters. I heard no complaints. The kids were just so happy to be in school with friends when the majority of nearby schools were remote a good portion of the year.

Edited to clarify “young, unvaccinated child”

Yes, with vaccinations, masking, and social distancing, it most certainly would be true, regardless of international travel.

Sincere question. I am not challenging you but would like information on this data. Do you have a source so I can research that? It may be a typo or you may just be making a point that went over my head. TIA.

I’m sorry. I misread your post. Looking at it again, I completely agree.

I think they might mean that 99% of the deaths we are seeing now are folks that have not been vaccinated.

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This is a different statistic, and not a peer-reviewed study but going to the same place.


Ah ha! Thank you so much, @thumper1. I was misreading that for sure.

Thank you also, @anomander. Blonde moment.

I should probably have left the decimal places off that number because there is SLIGHT variation in the data. I know recent data though is all over 99%. Here is a summary of data from a month ago:

I’ll look for the more recent data when I get home.


Thank you @thumper1!

They already have egg on their face for approving an Alzheimer’s drug that is little better than a placebo.


Ugh, was that the outcome? I feel for our friends, where the wife has early onset Alzheimer’s. The husband is praying for an effective med, and it’s not going to come soon enough in her case. :frowning:



@abasket, I just cut off ties with a close relative about not masking a second grader. This relative had covid herself last November. Told me kids dont get sick, and told me my Dr. Daughter doesn’t know what she is talking about. I’m done with stupid


From current home page:percentages nytimes 8-10-21


If 0.5% of deaths were among the 44% of the Texas population that is fully vaccinated, that means that fully vaccinated people are 157 times less likely to die of COVID-19 than others.


From the article that @TexasTiger2 linked:

The agency said nearly 75% of the 43 vaccinated people who died were fighting a serious underlying condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer or chronic lung disease.

Additionally, it said 95% of the 43 vaccinated people who died were 60 or older, and that a majority of them were white and a majority were men.

This is important information.


I’ve always been impressed with your mathematical abilities. What is your area of expertise?

Computing. But it does not take anything more than high school math to figure out relative odds in this example.

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“Relative odds” - you lost me there