Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

We were returning to our hotel on a local city bus today, happily listening in on a conversation between three people on board where two of the three were trying to convince the third that vax requirements in workplaces and communities should be happening and why. Super sound reasoning on their end. The third seriously didn’t have much to respond with. All three were POC and appeared to know each other, but not family (probably often ride the same bus). Friends helping friends likely beats anything “official.”

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Hmm. Hadn’t thought of that. However, two are HQ’d in TX and yet other private employers in that state have mandated the vaccine. Also, many employees are going to be based elsewhere (Delta, for instance has a hub here in Minneapolis and AA in Chicago).

I have a friend in my neighborhood who I often chat with as I walk dogs. She knows I have been struggling and yesterday she offered to go with me to get the shot. :heart:

Meanwhile, I’m waiting for my T cell test to come back.

In the past week or so, one almost-family, previously reluctant person got vaccinated. He had dealt with the fetal cell line issue in his mind and was reassured about the rarity of side effects. He also knew if there were eventual mandates at his job, being already vaccinated would make it easier.

Also, one D, who was reluctant because of the fetal cell line issue and who had concerns about fertility very early on, talked it all out and felt reassured by the data. She already got an exemption but decided to get vaccinated.

I wouldn’t be surprised if H got his shot this week.

So I think we are moving in a good direction overall but one of the people we worry about most won’t budge.


I wanted to share this info from a tweet that a friend alerted me, too. It comes from a member of the group of doctors that promoted the use of dexamethasone very early on. Their more recent protocol has been more controversial, but they are not anti-vaccine.

His message included this:

I have experienced and am getting reports … that Delta variant patients crashing into ICU’s… are not showing responses to …(their current protocol) … We are demoralized and frightened. Early treatment is CRITICAL….


To clarify, this is about how important early treatment is in fighting Delta, in vaxxed and unvaxxed. We are finding Delta harder to treat later in the illness’s.

This is a powerful message because it comes from doctors who were using a protocol that they felt was working for covid and now are finding it is not effective against Delta. I appreciate its humility.

Unvaccinated need to take precautions and consider that now might be the time. Vulnerable vaccinated need to take care as well. If anyone has symptoms, don’t wait to contact your doctor.

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The NYT has some interesting developments in this article:

Besides the headline, there’s also these two that stood out to me:

Facebook said Tuesday that it had removed a network of accounts based in Russia that spread misinformation about coronavirus vaccines. The network targeted audiences in India, Latin America and the United States with posts falsely asserting that the AstraZeneca vaccine would turn people into chimpanzees and that the Pfizer vaccine had a much higher casualty rate than other vaccines, the company said. Facebook traced the posts to a marketing firm operating from Russia, Fazze, a subsidiary of AdNow, a company registered in Britain. Facebook said it had taken down 65 Facebook accounts and 243 Instagram accounts associated with the firm and barred Fazze from its platform.

Thousands of people flocked to inoculation sites in Manila, the Philippine capital, on Tuesday as reports emerged that unvaccinated people would miss out on welfare payments from the government.


My sister got vaccinated last week. I’m so relieved.


Coordinated Russian anti-vax misinformation campaign on Facebook etc:

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More should follow…


Finally - a study on vaccine effectiveness (VE) for Moderna and Pfizer against the Delta variant here in the US. Summary via Medpage (link below and the study is imbedded in that article for those who wish to read it):

  • Moderna appears to be more effective than Pfizer by about two-fold in terms of preventing breakthrough infection;

  • Both appear to have notably lower VE against Delta than prior variants; Pfizer in particular seems to have a 45% reduction in VE;

  • Both vaccines have similar outcomes in hospitalizations and ICU admissions, and both continue to be highly protective against these events.


This is probably too late but I’m just seeing your post. If it’s a big space holding the funeral, I’d be OK masked up inside if I could distance. If not, can you just go to the cemetery?


Thank you. I haven’t read the article yet but will later today. Based on your summary, I wonder if Moderna will be suggested as the booster for those of us that had Pfizer for the original vaccine. Pure speculation on my part. I appreciate the update.


The Moderna vaccine does contain about three times as much mRNA per dose as the Pfizer - BioNTech vaccine.

And that is probably why the side effects are more severe with Moderna.

it was inside a place of worship with about 120 people all fully masked.

There was no cemetery service outside of immediate family


Yep - my husband told me the same. I was not surprised that Moderna has a better VE.

Was thinking the same.

Well, the study doesn’t account for timing, but I know that here in MN (where a lot of the study’s data originated) Moderna seemed to be more available earlier on. So it’s possible that it provides more protection for a longer period of time. That might suggest fewer booster vaccinations.

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“For anyone who is frustrated about wearing a mask—and you’re unvaccinated—then look in the mirror. It’s your fault that we’re going back to having an indoor mask mandate”

“If You’re Not Vaccinated, Shut Up”

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott – RESPECT


When I got Moderna, I felt unlucky. I had to wait an extra week to get the second shot, and Pfizer seemed to be getting all the approvals faster. My best friend got J&J the day after me and I was jealous that she was ‘one and done.’

Now? Feeling pretty lucky. Also no side effects at all (but neither did others I know who got Pfizer or J&J).


H is vaccinated. Earlier today I said I expected he would do it this week. I didn’t think it would be this afternoon.

I went to check on D who wasn’t feeling well and while I was gone, he went to the closest CVS and got Pfizer because that was what they had, even though I sent home the article @JBStillFlying posted showing Moderna’s efficacy against delta.

In a weird way, it reminds me of the time I went out for the afternoon and came back to see he had pulled up all the carpets. Once he makes up his mind about something, he just does it. :laughing:


My mother in law used to send her husband off camping for a few days and then bring in the workmen to move around the interior walls. She would then cover her tracks by repainting or papering so that the project was completely done by the time he returned. She wasn’t trying to mess with his head - she just had a knack for interior design (became a builder in her retirement!) and knew what looked good, but also knew that taking care of it while he was out of the house caused the fewest complaints (and kept her motivated to finish the project).


Wow—that would be freaky to go away for a camping trip and come back to all moved interior walls. I would feel gaslighted I think.

So glad more are getting vaxed. Yay!