Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I was on the road, sorry.

I got responses like, “She had asthma, too! They didn’t report that! Stop the fear mongering!” Yes they did report it. And the asthma didn’t kill her, COVID did. Sigh.


All the more reason she should have gotten the vaccine. People are such idiots.


Sadly, this is not about idiocy, but about getting caught up in a framing of vaccination (or mask-wearing) as a tribal / political issue. If instead, we were talking about an assessment of the data (95 or 99% of deaths now among the unvaccinated), then we could talk about idiocy as it would probably be idiotic.

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This is a musing and is not intended to be offensive, but if it is offensive please either ignore or delete.

Both vaccination (or masks) and abortion are issues where the framing of the political conversation for at least one group is about the fundamental personal rights to control one’s body despite potential negative consequences. In the case of personal freedom to not get vaccinated, the negative consequences (other than your risk of getting the disease, being sick and possibly dying) are threefold: 1) you can get the disease and spread it to others who are vulnerable or have chosen not to get vaccinated; 2) your choosing not to get vaccinated makes it easier for others not to get vaccinated and hence your choice will encourage others to be at great risk of illness or death; and 3) the larger the unvaccinated population, the higher the probability of a more dangerous variant. In the case of a woman’s personal freedom over her body, the negative consequences are 1) to the fetus (there is clearly debate about at what level of development negative consequences exist but this is a murky area); 2) possibly also to the psychological (and physical state) of the mother; and 3) sometimes to a father who would prefer to have a child. Because of the network effects in the case of the virus are much powerful as the damage can spread well beyond the immediate parties and the fact that viruses tend to grow exponentially, the negative consequences of choosing not to be vaccinated seem pretty large (although most people don’t really understand exponential growth). But I do find it interesting that folks who use the personal freedom argument for one are likely to oppose that argument for the other. What did Emerson say about hobgoblins?


More data

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It’s about believing in conspiracies, which could be due to a lack of education or a strong ideology, or both.


Well the US Supreme Court just refused to even consider the Indiana University Vaccine mandate.


There are plenty of inner city residents who have not gotten a vaccine either that are not affiliated with the group of people most are harping on as being anti vaccine. It’s not just about a certain group. There are plenty of individuals of all demographics that are not ready yet to get the vaccine.


Some reasons are better than others.

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To be clear, the court refused to hear a challenge to the mandate… signaling that such mandates are legal.


actually, the court refused to issue an Emergency injunction to UI’s policy while the case is being heard. In other words, the students can still sue in District Court, but the policy remains in effect while the case gets litigated.


Thank you!

That may be, but rural counties have a lower rate of vaccination than urban counties and earlier in the year, there was some indication that suburban counties had lower vaccination rates than the urban ones they surrounded.

See also: Least Vaccinated U.S. Counties Have Something in Common: Trump Voters - The New York Times and

One interesting study suggests that, at least in NC, there is a stronger correlation between income and vaccine reluctance than between Trump sentiment and vaccine reluctance.

Why are you bringing up Trump voters?

I posted above that many inner city residents are also refusing the vaccine. There are people of all demographics that are vaccine hesitant. Why is there so much talk about a particular group but not about everyone else? Seems political.


need to be careful with county-wide data, shaw. There can still be a huge disparity within a county. Zip codes are probably a better breakdown.

Chicago has a similar pattern: wealthy educated zips in Cook County have a 70-90% vax rate, while some poor POC zips in Chicago are in teh 30’s.


Wow, that’s an incredibly low vaccine rate. It hardly seems possible at that point in time.

It seems easy for people to make it political and just label one group as anti - vax and dumb…but that is far from the truth - like you stated.


Did “Trump voters” give it away?

Seriously. It has unfortunately been made political by many of those refusing vaccination, thus the correlation.


iT was actually made political by the “other side” while he was in office. No matter what - it’s not helpful.


Yeah, you have to go thru the detailed reports bcos the press is generally not covering it (for whatever reasons).

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