Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The science clearly shows that Delta is more contagious that the original. The data is still being collected to see if Delta is more deadly. At this point, ‘the science’ does not know. (There are some scientists who indicate that Delta is less deadly, and others claim the opposite.)


Posting a link from a secondary/tertiary source that has an obvious (and self-described) reputation of being politically biased, makes the story less trusted by many people. It would have been better just to use links from the primary source.


unvaccinated teachers, before kids even returned , died from covid

Do you have any citations for the Delta variant being less or equal to seriousness than the previous strains? I saw discredited articles in the NY Post, SkyNews, or by stalwarts like Dan Bongino stating this, but nothing credible, IMHO: There is no evidence that the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 has a lower fatality rate than the wild-type virus - Health Feedback

However, I’m happy to stand corrected, as I am just googling at the moment and truly do not know.

The CDC says data indicates preliminarily that it is more serious, in addition to being far more transmissible, which is an additional danger in its own right:

But, as you point out, this is a work in progress (sadly).

In February, the same “JH quality doctor” wrote a WJS OpEd claiming we’d reach herd immunity by April. He used the same specious reason you are peddling here. I hate to even link it because he was obviously so wrong, but here it is so others might understand where your anti-vax advocacy takes us.


There’s a few out there, but they are more speculation than anything else after reading with critical eyes.

Dr. Makary (@ JHU) also makes the point that we also don’t know the full effect of Delta on vaccinated individuals. Yes, the vaccinated can get Delta, but are the symptoms mostly minor (such as really bad colds with low fever) or are they more serious? Haven’t seen CDC publish anything to that effect. (which, IMO, they should.)

So, not trying to correct you but just suggest that ‘the science’ is still out on Delta being “worse” (with worse being deadly; of course, Delta could result in more long-haulers.)…we just don’t know that yet.

My hometown’s regional paper has a story on the uptick in hospitalizations. The doctor interviewed said that the last thing people said before being put on the ventilator was “I didn’t think I needed the vaccine”.

Those hospitalized are in the under 40 category. Very few were elderly. So rather than anti-vax sentiment it may be that that the young felt invulnerable and didn’t bother to get the vaccine.

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Had no idea CMU direct website would be considered “secondary/tertiary”. The Collegefix link has the same info as the CMU link with embedded hyperlinks to both UPMC and medrxiv but of course, it bears the ‘reputation’ of being a conservative source and therefore, is immediately discredited. Precisely why I also posted the direct CMU link. Would you even be making the argument of “secondary/tertiary” sources had I only linked the CMU site? Probably not. CNN links are posted here frequently and I wonder if people ever complained about their “bias”? Verified information or not, they are biased, yet, no one ever raised any questions about the credibility of their articles.

We’ve had this discussion on sources ad nauseam. It gets old. If one is truly interested in data, there’s plenty available with a simple google search. But discrediting a link that contains the same info as the ‘primary’ source because of its bias sounds a bit too sophistic to me.

With that, I will retire from this discussion. I have no interest in further engagement.

I was referring to The College Fix, which is the first link you posted.

CNN is not the most reliable source, which is why I avoid linking to them if a better source exists.


Canada will require all passengers on commercial flights to be fully vaccinated.


and Canadian long-haul trains, as well as cruise ships.


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More highly transmissible (Delta variant) is worse

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@TexasTiger2 , do you have a link to that graphic? I’d like to use it on another message board.

Which - the first has npr at the bottom, the second is from Perry Wilson

Oh, sorry, I was referring to the second one.

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The vax rates are pretty distinct between the two groups - older are significantly more vaxed than younger. Since vaccination protects against serious disease, by process of elimination those being hospitalized would be younger.



Goes without saying. I think there’s a bit of miscommunication and/or interpretation. I’m thinking in one direction, you another. Happens to the best of us.

Don’t know the guy, but he is a wealth of information. Visit his twitter page.

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