Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

No, not directed at you.
I agree that there should be more information from the CDC. That’s part of the problem. Here’s some information, not sure if this is what you are looking for:
This study shows the further out from vaccination you are, the risk of infection goes up.

transplant patients

Who could benefit from a booster


Not really comparable for a host of reasons. Here are a few. Nicotine addiction is a real medical condition. Smokers aren’t currently overwhelming our medical facilities and sapping our resources to the same degree as are the unvaccinated. Lung cancer isn’t contagious. Smokers aren’t putting those around them in danger except when they are smoking.

It is hard to come up with an apt comparison equal in its selfishness, dangerousness, and stupidity.

How about this? Would you object to a doctor’s refusal to take on patients who insisted on chain smoking in the doctor’s office, in the waiting room, and during treatment? If not, why not?


CDC just published a couple studies providing evidence of waning VE. WaPo just broke the story. Sorry, can’t link from my device but check CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality website, as these studies provided the basis for the Biden Administration’s recent move towards wider booster availability.


This should be very helpful:


Have to say I’m liking the requirements to be vaccinated. We tried the incentives like free fishing licenses and donuts, the gift cards and lottery tickets. Some worked, some didn’t. Now it’s the negative incentives, like you can’t come in our restaurant or work here if you aren’t vaccinated.

My daughter’s boyfriend in the army refused to get a vaccine until ‘they make me.’ Okay, now they are making you. Feel better?


I feel for the kids in this one:

According to family members, the couple did not believe in vaccines and were unvaccinated. Lydia eventually changed her mind about the vaccine –– but she was in intensive care at that point.

“Before she got intubated, one of the last things she told her sister was, ‘Please make sure my children get vaccinated," said cousin Dottie Jones.

The couple is survived by their children: 18-year-old twin boys, a 16-year-old son, and an 11-year-old daughter.

This is horrific. And unlike a year ago, preventable. So horrible for the children.



Good luck, then.

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Signed: “a” scientist.


Better than assuming that you can understand everything. :slight_smile:

So, good luck to you too. :slight_smile:

This is what scares me. Fully vaccinated and died. This is third person in the news this week. How many more don’t we know about?


If he was fully vaccinated as his friend said I definitely feel for him and his family/friends too. Some people draw the really, really short straws.

I wish there were easy ways to check immunity levels for everyone to see if their vaccines worked in their bodies or not.

Just stop. Stop working so hard to sow doubt. About 5,000 died in the US in the past week alone, almost all of them unvaccinated.


I wonder when I hear about young healthy people getting breakthrough infections. It’s entered my mind if there’s a way to check on vaccine storage and handling especially with Pfizer. Israel is a small country, though, and I would imagine it would be easier to keep track of vaccine storage. I just got to thinking about it as I was looking at vaccine sites and wondering if the standards are high everywhere vaccines are offered.

I read that to mean that he doesn’t want to expose himself or other patients to Covid and the horrible death that can accompany infection from an unvaccinated person. Just my impression. As mentioned cancer isn’t contagious.


There is data, you can stop wondering.

COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases: Data from the States

See Figure 2.


@mtmind sowing doubt? I’m vaccinated but I don’t walk through life blindly. We need to ask questions when it comes to our health.

Just two days ago my grandfather was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer…3 doctors missed his diagnosis over the past year and half…so yes I doubt and question!!

pS My uncle aunt & cousin in Michigan all fully vaccinated just tested positive. My uncle has fever, aches, congestion etc…so far aunt and cousin are mild.

I’m nervous that this variant it not responding to the vaccine. So yes, I will question.


Thank you @TexasTiger2. Very useful.

But ominous rhetorical questions are so much more fun than actual facts.


I just hope in some of those really odd “multiple” cases that there wasn’t someone purposely messing with the vaxes like the nurse in Germany or similar.

It’s one of the reasons I wish there were an easy way for all to confirm. H and I both felt a bit better after we tested positive for antibodies from donating blood. It doesn’t give us levels or anything like that, but considering we had tested negative donating blood before, it at least means our vaxes were real and we get to take the odds with that instead of thinking we were vaccinated when we weren’t.

It doesn’t always take a sinister person. Some people just don’t get proper reactions (or enough of one). It would be nice if they could know.

Still, vaxes beat not vaxing for odds. There’s really no doubting that.

Here’s today’s Tidelands Health. Up one hospitalization from yesterday - unvaxed. None of the 5 fully vaxed in the hospital have moved to a worse stage. Seems two more from the ICU moved to ventilators. (Assuming none died with more added or other possible scenarios to get the numbers.)

What do you mean😉!