Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I know a handful of fully vaccinated folks who have MS.


Our neighbor with MS is fully vaxed. She gad to work with her md on timing of the shots.

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The state of affairs in Mississippi, which currently has a vaccination rate lower than every state except Wyoming.

On Friday, an alert issued to healthcare providers in Mississippi said that the state’s Poison Control Center received an influx of calls from individuals with potential exposure to ivermectin – a product used to treat roundworms and other parasites – which they had taken to treat or prevent COVID-19 infection.

While ivermectin can be used by both people and animals, at least 70% of recent calls were related to ingestion of animal formulations of the anti-parasitic agent from livestock supply centers, the alert said.

Valentine dies after battling COVID-19

Photo by: Facebook

Wow. I’ve been following this story since he went in the hospital a month ago. I am sorry for his family’s loss. Hopefully, their loss will change some of the minds of his followers.


It’s really a shame. Prior to his illness, he mocked masks, talked up ivermectin as superior to the vaccine, which he maintained “kills people,” and made a song making fun of the vaccine called “Vaxman” (to the tune of the Beatles’ “Taxman”). A few days after becoming infected, he began to feel better, which sometimes happens to people who later end up experiencing a sudden deterioration. At this time, he joked that it was too bad for all the haters, as it appeared that he had beat it. After he took a serious downturn and ended up in the hospital, he apparently realized with great regret the mistake he had made and asked his family to tell his listeners and fans that he had radically changed his tune.

If he had lived, he might have made it his mission to convince his listeners that he had been wrong about the vaccine. And maybe he could have turned things around. His death might convince a few, but allegedly he was quite charismatic, so his actual voice might have been able to really make a difference. All very sad.


There are contradictive reports according to

Yes, I read a lot of that early on. But the sicker and more dire his situation became, the less the media focused on that. That’s one thing that aggravated me. I wish his family didn’t maintain he was not anti-vax. Oh come on, he was. He made a mistake. A very big mistake that cost him his life, as well as probably lots of others who heeded his words. But he’s human. We make mistakes. Admit it. I would have had more sympathy if he had done that. But I still do feel sorry for his wife and brother. I know they loved him.


I can’t edit my earlier post, but I read this just now on cnn. I did not see this earlier.

Mark Valentine told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota in a July 26 interview his brother was doing better but was “still very deep in the woods” and breathing with assistance.

“He recognizes now that him not getting the vaccination has probably caused a bunch of other people not to get vaccinated,” he said in the interview. “And that he regrets.”

I do feel sorry for his family’s loss and hope his unvaxxd followers will change their minds.

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Agree fully, he was totally anti-vax and they are saying otherwise.

But yes his family acknowledged that his vaccine stance not only cost his life, but may well have cost the lives of other followers also. So really–how do those close to him live with that? Wow.

Likewise, the tennis player Stefanos Tsisipas said this week that it’s better for young people to skip the vaccine and get the virus to build natural immunity. And immediately the Greek health officials said he was wrong and no one should listen to him. But they will. He has an audience.

If that is what he said, has he practiced what he preached by variolating himself with the real virus?

Apparently UVA is following through:

I wonder how many got vaxed from their initial requirement vs those that didn’t (or haven’t yet). It seems like some of the disenrolled opted out of going there, though we don’t know that the vax requirement was the reason, of course:

“Out of the 238 incoming Fall semester students, only 49 of them were actually enrolled in classes, and the remaining 189 “may not have been planning to return to the university this fall at all,” UVA spokesperson Brian Coy told CNN.”

Around 1% of students are currently unvaccinated while about 1.3% were allowed to claim religious or medical exemptions, Coy said.

"Unvaccinated students without exemptions were repeatedly reminded to get vaccinated between May 20 and July 1 to avoid disenrollment, Coy said.

“Students out of compliance received multiple emails, calls, text messages and – in some cases – calls to their parents.”


I do think the CDC messaging has been confusing and often counterproductive. It’s not that hard. When you get new information you say so. “We didn’t think boosters would be necessary, but new data suggests they are. The studies are here:” And you explain the math in terms people can understand. Even here where most posters are highly educated some have to be reminded that if 100% of the population is vaccinated then 100% of the people in the hospital will be vaccinated. It doesn’t mean that vaccines aren’t highly effective.


Unfortunately some of the people using this veterinary “anti worming” medication are getting both sick from the medication and covid. On the bright side apparently they are all worm free.


Pfizer has full FDA approval! Whoo hoo!!


Came here to post the news. :partying_face::star_struck::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:
So glad.


Hopefully it will spur some vaccine hesitant to get the shot, but I think it will also show many people who claimed that lack of FDA approval was their only objection to be liars.

It WILL give some entities the justification they are looking for to have vaccine mandates.


I saw that 75 doctors have staged a walkout in Palm Beach County in protest of unvaccinated Covid people. I’m not going to debate the issue…I just find this development interesting and we’ll see how this plays out across the country.


I agree more businesses and other entities will mandate vaccination with the full FDA approval, but few who object to vaccination will change their mind, despite what they told the pollsters.