Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Which vaccines have been withdrawn after approval?

Thatā€™s the million dollar question: will vaccination actually accomplish that? Seems like that was the carrot/talking point/benefit when the vaccines were first rolled out. Yet here we are masking and social distancing again, with talk of a booster to allow the vaccinated to get back to normal. Will the goalposts ever stop moving?

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The first vaccine for rotavirus, RotaShield, was licensed and recommended for routine childhood immunization in 1998. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, however, withdrew the vaccine in 1999 due to safety concerns. Scientists associated the vaccine with a rare intestinal problem called intussusception, a potentially fatal telescoping of part of the bowel.

In most cases removed vaccines were replaced with better/safer versions.

This may help alleviate vaccine apprehension because in each case the CDC investigated the concern and in most cases determined it wasnā€™t due to the vaccine.

Interesting accounting of how public opinion and the media lead to the demise of a Lyme vaccine.


Do you think that I asked the question without seeing this links? The only recalled vaccine is the rotavirus one. The Lyme Disease vaccine recommendation wasnā€™t withdrawn.

You continue to sow distrust in science. Why?


I think more employees feel more comfortable going back to work when vaccines are required than not. Many companies are on the record that vaccinations will be required. I know of no large corporation that is on the record with a non-vaccinated return to work plan.

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People are attached to their chosen MDs. When physicians start refusing to see unvaccinated patients (which is coming), that will help some too.


Iā€™m not ā€œcasting doubtā€ on the science. But I am questioning at this point what the vaccines are doing for those vaccinated: will they prevent severe disease? Death? For how long after completing the series? When will boosters be needed? Is it worth waiting for a delta specific shot vs just taking a 3rd vaccine dose? Should I get both as they become available?

Iā€™m fully vaccinated as is my family. I just dropped my D at college in a city thatā€™s operating in a pre-Covid/post vaccine (take your pick) mind set with nary a mask in sight and it makes me incredibly anxious and worried for her.

Iā€™m simply acknowledging that vaccine reluctance is a real thing and harping and berating people to get it isnā€™t accomplishing much at this point.

I also find your blind allegiance quite remarkable. Science occurs and evolves because people question.


My D works for one. No vaccine mandate so far. Barely a mask mandate.

I donā€™t believe questioning = distrust.

There were a number of vaccines historically that had side effect issues raised. Those issues were researched. Most turned out fine, one didnā€™t was withdrawn. Not sure how thatā€™s sowing distrust. If anything it should make the vaccine reluctant more secure because it shows that the CDC historically has taken side effect concerns seriously, researched them and when warranted took one of them off the market.

Yes you are.



For at least 6 months.

In more than 6 months.


It is a real thing because people like you that nitpick facts.

Science occurs and evolves when KNOWLEDGABLE people question. Not people that are not involved in doing the science.


We get it. You donā€™t agree. Move the conversation forward, please.


As long as most companies, especially the large influential ones, require the vaccine we will be better off. Most of the large tech companies I am familiar with have a vaccine requirement in their stated back to work plan. Some have not yet announced a back to work plan. Perhaps, with an approved vaccine they will.

My son recently dinned at a three Michelin star restaurant in San Francisco (celebrating is masters degree) - they recently opened for dining for fully vaccinated customers. The restaurant staff was fully vaccinated as well. He said he felt 100% safe and the mood in the restaurant was festive.

We just need more of this. Iā€™m OK with anyone who, for whatever reason, does not want to get vaccinated. I just donā€™t want be in a restaurant with them, or a bar, or a museum, or a play, orā€¦


Just received word that we again have hit a record number of admittances for COVID. There are 850 in our hospital system, 98% Delta variant. Today, there are 260 patients in the ED waiting to be admitted, no beds are available. (Probably means beds are available, we just donā€™t have the staffing to support). We have 1,440 monoclonals scheduled for this week, and 25 post-exposure prophylaxis injections/day. We had projected last month that we would reach the peak somewhere between 8/14-8/21 based on the nadir to peak of 4-5 weeks seen in the UK and India. Unfortunately, that hasnā€™t happened yet.


I remember being surprised a dozen or so years ago when I first found out how many nurses refused to get the flu shot.


I have worked in-person this entire time for a very large contracting firm with no vaccine mandate. Every other employer at my particular site, including the federal government, also does not currently have a vaccine mandate. We have for the majority been working in-person this entire time because we canā€™t physically accomplish our jobs while WFH.

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I think there was a 1976 Swine Flu vaccine that was withdrawn over concerns of GBS syndrome.

I canā€™t think of any approved vaccine that didnā€™t show all adverse effects until after literally 1 Billion people had received it. Typically, adverse effects make themselves known pretty quickly.


I paid a bill with my eye md today and said please let me know whether all their staff are fully vaxed before our next spots in December. If not, we will cancel all of them (made appts for 3 of us). The person on the phone said most wereā€”I said thatā€™s nice but I need everyone because we provide care for my 92 year old mom. She said, ā€œOh!ā€