Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Need more like these…


My husband’s company has had certain essential employees work on site the entire pandemic. The company has had very particular rules for being on site and were very generous with leave if people had been exposed to Covid. If you could work from home, you must.

After the vaccines came out, the company decided that employees who could work at home, could come back into the office or remain working from home. Starting July 1. Most all employees at my husband’s site decided to WFH. My husband is in the office, most days he is the only one.

Today my husband’s boss who has been WFH called a meeting at a work site. Outside and inside, 6 people. My husband was the only one wearing a mask. After seeing my husband wearing a mask, his boss decided to get his. Included was a corporate safety staffer.

I’m telling this story because my opinion is that this is why we need vaccine requirements for corporations. You can see after 7 weeks of being able to work on site, 5 of the 6 people saw no need (apparently) to wear a mask while holding an inside meeting.

How long can we expect to remain vigilant? We can for a short time, but for the long haul, I’m not sure.

This is just how I’m seeing things.


That is why this continued handwringing and naysaying is so frustrating. It is not “blind allegiance” to trust a vaccine that has already been given to 1 Billion people with minuscule serious adverse effects.


Who goes on a cruise at 77 today unvaccinated? ( it’s pretty clear she wasn’t. ). Oh my goodness.

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My employer just announced that all employees need to be vaccinated, with the unvaccinated ones referred to HR for termination.


UK had a lockdown during the rise and India had a much steeper rise. The situation in TX is going to be different.

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@MaineLonghorn , I just read that barely a week after his unvaccinated wife died of Covid, that Maine state representative attended an anti-vax rally.

Just boggles the mind…


I’m not ML but… yes I agree with you. In no possible scenario can I understand how that guy went to that rally. This is what scares me so much–the loud anti vax crowd will just dig in their heels even deeper to stay the course, no matter the situation. So what if the FDA has now approved. So what if the hospital and death rate is increasing. So what if more kids are getting sick.

Ugh this is such a terrible situation that did not have to happen. So very very sad.


Yes and if you look at the latest post on his Facebook page, you’ll see his supporters chiming in. Ugh.

It’s really tough to believe they had a good marriage TBH. Normal people grieve at least, with plenty of what ifs.


H’s company has 18,000 employees. They have repeatedly said they will not mandate the vaccine. Not sure if you consider that a large corporation. They did just push back their return to work date, however, indefinitely. It was originally supposed to be October (with mandatory masking for all). I suppose it’s possible they will change their mind.

Found an article about the Maine guy and the rally he attended:

This makes 100% sense to me if there are limited numbers and decisions need to be made.


Not sure if this is the same cruise (NYT article is behind a paywall) but if so, all positive cases were vaccinated.

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Wow. That is unbelievable! What is wrong with people??? Even Trump told people to get vaxxed at his rally and he was booed! Total insanity. This isn’t some kind of war against a foreign invader and yet they act as though they are willing to die for their “cause.”


H just read me a post from a friend of his on FB. It went something like:

To all of you calling us vaxed folks sheep, why are you the ones using the livestock wormer?

'Twas worth a chuckle in our house.


Thank you. I’m sorry you’re also dealing with this pain. It’s heartbreaking.

It will be interesting to see how businesses respond. My wife’s company employs over 100,000 and does not have a stated back to work plan. They have held immunization drives at various campuses and just recently offered cash bonuses to employees that prove they have been vaccinated. Will they soon require it to return to office? Who knows. I’m sure my wife wants to get back into the office and back to business travel.

Throughout this thread, many posts speculate about the motivations of anti-vaxers / anti-maskers. Blame is assigned to Trump, Facebook misinformation, etc. But these have nothing to do with the problem. “Fixing” the misinformation is pointless.

Go back 25 years ago, long before Trump (political version) and social media were a thing. States were implementing smoking bans to protect people from secondhand smoke. Many states did this, except for the southeast and Wyoming. The map of weak / no smoking ban states would overlay almost perfectly with low-vax COVID hotspots.

Defiance and lack of respect for others guided many back then, as it does now. No difference.


You have my sympathies. I have met a couple of elderly people with similar conspiracy concerns and resistance. And yet, they rely on heart or diabetes medicines that may have been tested on fetal stem cell lines.
Another middle aged friend thinks Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Government benefit from mandates- just doesn’t want anything to do with them.


D’s works at a company of over 15,000 employees (involved in pharma and medical industries) and has been back in the office since early July. No vaccine mandate, masks encouraged but not required. No testing required either. Employees have some WFH days but must be in the office at least 3 days a week. Very poor leadership IMHO.

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