Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Finally after a year took my fully vaccinated 86 years old mother to her doctor. All nurses and doctor had masks on their necks. To top it the nurse told my mom that none of them got vaccinated. Including doctor and they worked through pandemic and never had any issues. I would run from this office as fast as I can but it’s difficult for my mom to change her doctor now.


Really curious where this is… state? rural or urban?

I’d run from the place and never go back. I prefer wisdom as a characteristic of my medical providers.

One of the largest cities in a very blue state

That could explain why some of the big cities in very blue states have dismal numbers!

It’s definitely sad though. It was one thing when Covid was beginning and we were clueless regarding what to do. It’s totally different now when we know so much more about it.


Read carefully, ha. I am so tempted to post this on an anti-vax Facebook page…


I am now fully vaccinated which feels great to say. My husband has had one vaccine as well as my youngest son. They’re on the way to being done. My daughter is pregnant with her second child and will have her first Moderna vaccine this week. Her husband is planning to have his soon since he is registered on our state’s website. So, we’re feeling good that we’ll be able to have celebrations this summer. We only have one problem. My middle son and his wife have no interest in getting vaccinated. They feel that the vaccine is experimental. He’s a bright guy but has some funny ideas about politics and various conspiracy theories. We are on different sides of most issues. I love him and his wife but I have such a hard time with this. The only other person who would not be vaccinated is my three year old granddaughter. I know the risk is low for her but there is still a risk. I just don’t get where they’re coming from and I have a hard time inviting them to these upcoming events and vacations.


I went to my MDs in person yesterday for 1st time in >1 yr. All staff and MDs were double masked in both offices and carefully following protocols. I felt a little wimpy with my single cotton mask but I know I would have even more difficulty breathing with a double mask.

I would be appalled if I went to a medical facility where people weren’t at a minimum properly wearing masks and trying to distance everyone. When we took mom to her Geriatrician and blood test earlier in March, both places had everyone observing all protocols.


I would never see someone professionally who had the opportunity to get vaccinated but refused. I would have serious questions about their decision-making and competence and look elsewhere. Of course, the rare exception is if their is some medical reason where they are unable to be vaccinated.


ams5796- i just dont understand it either (choosing not to get vaccinated) and i’m trying to work this out in my head.

i feel strange around some friends who aren’t getting vaccinated at this point. But then I think, “it’s their choice, and it doesnt really hurt me” (vaccinated). Its going to come to a point where it comes to personal responsibility. You get vaccinated, or you personally take a risk going out. I guess I don’t want to live in my bubble much longer out of worry for those who are purposely choosing not to get vaccinated and going out. It’s on them.


I’m not planning to judge on whether others get vaccinated or not, but any place that isn’t looking out for my health by wearing masks etc, while claiming to be a health care provider isn’t worth going to. This goes for whatever the safety procedure is for the service being rendered. I wouldn’t stick with a surgeon who didn’t wash hands or sterilize equipment either.

Heck, we don’t go to restaurants or stores that aren’t trying their best with masks, and for many that won’t change on our part post Covid because I prefer to support those which do care about their customers/employees enough to try to protect them. I certainly wouldn’t have a lower bar for a health care place.

We’re still musing about where we want to go to church too. Our old one is out. Places can’t claim to care - then not actually care.


I came across this interesting “fact check” piece opposing what a Dr put out on a video against mRNA vaccines. I don’t keep up on the arguments against the vaxes, so reading it was a good lesson for me TBH.

Is it their choice, or is it that they have been unable to get a vaccine due to shortages / rationing?

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That seems like a very odd thing for a medical office to admit to so openly or brag about - if it’s true. I find it hard to believe an entire office staff would all say no.

In our state, medical offices were offered the opportunity to vaccinate as an office so all the them being or not being vaccinated together is not surprising to me. The leadership should be from the top—the MDs in the office.

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@seal16 - That’s crazy that medical providers would resist masks and vaccines. But… I helped my elderly mother in her last years, and I totally understand why it would be hard to arrange a switch of doctors.


Many months ago, one of the nurses from my clinic went to the ER due to an allergic reaction. She was texting me, as she know I know many of the ER docs there. Seems the doc seeing her was not wearing a mask; this during COVID! I was shocked and tried to make an excuse that he just forgot; maybe he had removed a dirty one and forgot to replace it. Of course, I knew that wasn’t a rational answer; of course he didn’t forget! As I know the doctor, I was surprised and upset.

ucbalumnus - my friends who are choosing not to get vaccinated are making the choice for many different reasons - including two who have had it with very mild repercussions and think the vaccine might be worse than having had it, two who want to see how it all pans out first; one who won’t for medical reasons and one – no idea. They are in their 40s/50s. In our state, you can sign up to get it now, so it’s not because it’s unavailable.

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Not at all! There are quite a few who do not think it’s good or necessary based on various research. Not everyone believes the same, including doctors/nurses.

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I know two people well who say they will never get the vaccine. They have two reasons.

  1. They are relying on herd immunity to protect them.

  2. They are healthy now and see no reason to get the vaccine.

I won’t tell you what I think of these two reasons!


I’m on a parents facebook group for my son’s college and there is currently a debate going on about whether or not vaccines should be required for students. Most say yes, but there are a few who are arguing strongly against it, citing statistics that are at odds of what I’ve seen, calling it experimental gene therapy, and saying that these kids are not at risk so they don’t vaccination. No amount of discussion seems to sway these few.