Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The only one I know who has a medical exemption (college kid) is allergic to one of the components of the vaccine itself. He had a bad reaction to another vaccine that used the same component. I can’t recall what the component is though - just learned about it from the conversation and it made sense.

This conversation was also pre J&J approval I don’t know it that one is different and if so, if things changed with the student.

One of the most vocal anti-vaxxers in our small town has died of Covid. I engaged with him briefly on our community FB page last summer, when he continued to insist Covid was the flu and the hype was all a ‘leftist’ conspiracy. According to him, the vaccine was dangerous and people who got it were “sheep”.

I saw his obituary (which named the cause of death) last night. I am somewhat surprised how much I am bothered by his passing–another person who was duped to death.


Sorry, you are very correct, the company must adhere to the rules of the ACA. I was talking about the fact that salaried employees don’t have their union negotiating their benefits. Salaried employees do benefit from what the union negotiated for their employees but at least in my husband’s case, their benefits do differ.

The reason for their deaths bothers me too. My only hope is others learn from it and realize they’ve been duped. One can’t reason with a closed mind, but if they see reality for themselves, sometimes light gets in.


Any loss of life is to be mourned. A loss that could be prevented (Most likely) is especially sad.

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yes, true medical exemptions are a very small %, but not sure why you directed your post to me. (I have never posted otherwise.)

We have tourists. Lots of them. They keep coming. Especially when highly encouraged to come, and when masking isn’t mandated.

(Edited to add: somehow I am like 17 days behind in reading these posts. So I am likely way past the time when this was part of the discussion. Sorry!)

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Where are you seeing this data? I’m having a hard time finding ICU data by age; however, hospitalization data still skews strongly with age and towards the elderly, even now with Delta. For instance, check out CDC’s database of weekly hospitalization rates by age group: Interestingly, the lowest rate remains 5-11 yo’s and of course this age group is unvaxed. Maybe those rates will shoot up once the school year gets underway.


Any idea what happens when a board certified doctor has been prescribing Ivermectin to inmates in Arkansas? Serious question - I have no idea. Has he stepped out of bounds? My gut says yes, but off label things can be prescribed at times, so…

Today’s WNYC had a segment with call ins from people who were just getting vaccinated this week. The reasons for finally getting over their reluctance were different, but it would seem official approval and job mandates were big ones. Did You Just Get Vaccinated? | The Brian Lehrer Show | WNYC


It is probably outside of the health plans. The cost of the covid tests that the unvaccinated have to be subject to constantly.

What has me shaking my head are the deathbed endorsements of vaccination from dying anti-vaxxers. They didn’t listen to the deathbed endorsements of others, why do they think anyone will listen to them?


Prescribing it to inmates seems questionable since it’s not fda approved, and in light of the fact the inmates probably have no choice of doctor or what they may be prescribed. They should at the very least have it explained that it’s experimental for covid and be given a choice. Even if it were to be helpful, it brings to mind abuses of the past where vulnerable people were experimented on without their consent. It seems different than a private person choosing their own doctor and having some input into what medication they were prescribed.

I’m so concerned about people taking ivermectin in animal formulations. I ran into this recently when a friend of a friend who I didn’t know brought it up. They heard about it and thought it would be ok because there’s a dosing chart based on weight on the package. I explained that animals metabolize medications differently so you can’t expect what’s the right dose for an animal of a certain weight would be right for a human of the same weight. Something like that could cause an overdose.

With regard to ivermectin in general, I don’t think a human formulation prescribed by a licensed doctor at a dose that is well established as safe is going to be dangerous. They give it to children in less developed countries on a regular basis. My grandmother was in a nursing home where there was a scabies outbreak and the fragile elderly were prescribed it. My mom who had a job that required her to visit similar facilities developed a rash and her doctor prescribed her ivermectin. It’s not something that wealthy and upper middle class people in the first world have experience with so they are probably more freaked out by people using it. And if it’s a veterinary formulation, it’s worth freaking out about. But a human formulation prescribed by an MD and picked up from your pharmacist at CVS or Walgreens is probably safe. It might help and it might not…eventually there will be studies to help clear that up.


From what I have read, the most common allergy to COVID-19 vaccine components is to polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is used in both Pfizer - BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. The J&J - Janssen vaccine uses a related compound polysorbate-80 (PS80), so allergy to either PEG or PS80 warrants caution with the other, although does not always mean that the other is a problem.

Internationally, the common Oxford - AstraZeneca vaccine (Covishield in some countries) also uses PS80.


I always want to ask anti-maskers, if your kid has to go into surgery for say, a broken bone, and the doc and nurses come in without wearing masks to perform the surgery, are you ok with that? Or would you think they are a quack?


This from people taking livestock medicine. :thinking:


What are your qualifications for pronouncing that the human formulation of Ivermectin to be safe for treating Covid?

The FDA has warned, repeatedly, that Ivermectin is neither approved nor authorized as a treatment for Covid, and that taking it outside of a controlled clinical trial “can cause serious harm.” The warning applies to the human formulation as well as the animal formulation.

I’m sure you mean well, but please, please, please stop opining on the safety of various Covid treatments, including Ivermectin. Imagine how you’d feel if someone listened to you and is harmed as a result.
:astonished: :scream: :astonished:

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I’ve tried to qualify my statements. I’ve warned against using products for animals and said it’s something that should be talked about with one’s doctor. Those are warnings for people who might be tempted to use it because they are scared and desperate. They may have been told to go home and go to the hospital when they can’t breathe. I would rather they talk it out with a doctor than take it into their own hands.

I know a family that got covid. The mom was found unresponsive and later died. She didn’t think there were any treatments for her and she was afraid of cost of going to a hospital. Thankfully, people found out and stepped in so the dad got help in contacting an urgent care and got monoclonal antibody treatment. And the rest of the family and children were taken care of with food and financial help. I would rather people like that know that some kind of help is possible and that they could contact a doctor who could steer them to a safe treatment.

I don’t think I have ever spoke of any treatment here that I did not find on the NIH website and I was careful to include the warnings given there.


There have been studies showing no effect of ivermectin on Covid. I’m not looking them up myself, but I suggest you do if you are truly interested in knowing.


In my hospital if you try to order Ivermectin, a pop up blocks you and asks why you’re ordering it. If you say it’s to treat COVID, you’re denied. No evidence yet to order so my hospital blocks it.