Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

My daughter’s vaccine-reluctant brother-in-law got vaccinated yesterday. One of his arguments was that it was not FDA approved. I asked what pushed him over the edge. FDA approval? Work? Concerts? Travel? She thinks quite possibly a lot of those things and also his girlfriend had been guilt-tripping him.


Last week, you linked to a discredited study regarding the same drug. Now you are giving advice which is directly contradicted by the FDA. Stop. Please.


I actually printed out the meta-analysis the appeared in June in the Journal of American Therapeutics. There was a study included in it where the data was discredited. But I did look at the data from the other studies. I couldn’t say it was overwhelming by any means, but I also couldn’t say it seemed useless when it came to prevention. Anyway, the reason I printed out out was for my vet who hadn’t heard of people using veterinary Ivermectin but who I thought should be informed.

Since when is recommending people talk to their doctor contradicted by the FDA?

Your approach is like dealing with the problem of STD’s with abstinence education.


It is good that you realize that you couldn’t say. Get to the next level and start trusting the people that could say. The CDC and the FDA.

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Can people please stop piling on MACmiracle? She is not promoting the use of ivermectin.


Or anyone for that matter?!? That’s not in the spirit of this site.


Any thoughts then about the doctor who is prescribing it to inmates? Seems it should be illegal esp since as @MACmiracle says, they are a captive audience and can’t choose, but I’m not sure. It seems unethical at best.

Exactly what I was going to say. I’m getting ready to block them as it’s super obvious that they are going overboard reading into things what they want to read into it. I’ve never blocked anyone before on any topic because I like reading diversity of views, but it’s getting really old and is very annoying.


I would tend to agree with you. If the medical community isn’t recommending it, it shouldn’t be given to anyone. However, at one point people were thinking it might work (based on a study’s Petri dish results) but once it started to be used in sick patients, there hasn’t been enough data to say that it’s effective. Maybe the physician isn’t up on the latest recommendations. Maybe overworked and not enough time to check? I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

According to the article, the doctor’s practice (he’s not just a jail physician) has been pushing Ivermectin for months and has already been flagged by Facebook for doing so.

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I don’t know that I can give him the benefit of the doubt. According to the article I linked with the story it seems he knows exactly what he’s doing:

"Karas Health Care, Dr. Karas’ practice, has been touting ivermectin for months. On July 16, the practice posted on Facebook, “if anybody you know test positive send them or [sic] way and we’ll get them started on doxy, singular, ivermectin, vitamin d, vitamin c and zinc.”

My jaw just hit the floor. H was talking with FIL about getting a booster as soon as it becomes available and FIL had no idea BIL + wife weren’t vaccinated. BIL has been going to see him often, both before and after vaxes were available and totally disses the vaxes believing all sorts of evil about them. He’s invited company to FIL’s river cottage, had kids over to eat with them, and more.

H suggested FIL tell them to get vaxed. I wonder what’s going through his mind and if he will tell them or put restrictions on them or not.

And H, why did you never bring this up to FIL before? One should never assume someone else just “knows” things. (sigh)


Well that’s disappointing. Also, doxycycline and singular aren’t evidence-based therapeutics. Surprised he’s not writing hydroxychloroquine.

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Singular is a medicine that sometimes helps folks with allergic asthma. I’ve never heard/read of it being appropriate for any coronavirus or similar.


My H was once prescribed Singulair for a sinus and ear infection with a lot of inflammation that he developed after a virus, together with an antibiotic by a doctor at an urgent care. I can’t remember if it was doxycycline. I thought it was so strange because I only knew of Singulair being use for allergic asthma and he had no lung issues.

Then when my D was having breathing issues after a virus she was prescribed Singulair with doxycycline, by her primary in a different part of the country, which again I was surprised by.

From what a dermatologist once told me doxycycline, in addition to being an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Maybe the doctors that are prescribing this combination are trying to address different inflammatory pathways. I have no idea but the combination doesn’t seem to be completely novel.

Not saying it’s right or wrong for covid.

I have a nurse friend who has been working in a covid unit for over a year. Not icu. She said the hardest thing is to see her patients suffer and have nothing to help them.

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I think you’ve written this before. I never quite understood why you weren’t concerned about your own health when you always made sure you were especially careful before going to see FIL. I know you’re fully vaxxed and trust the vaccine, but aren’t you concerned about a breakthrough case for you or your H?

Since FIL has been so careless, I wouldn’t be going to see him at all.

We’re young enough (50s) and without major comorbidities to not be very concerned due to all of us being vaccinated. FIL is 93 with one lung and heart issues. He lives alone. In spite of his age, he does fairly well and still hunts/fishes/putters around making things, but he can’t do everything he used to so his sons help out.

At 93 he could pass away any day even without Covid and no one would blink an eye. There’s no way I’m going to tell H he can’t have more time with his dad while his dad is alive. We don’t want to take Covid to him pre-vax or now post-vax for the three of us (since old age and vaxes aren’t always good odds), thus, we’re careful. But for the two of us, we have confidence in the vaxes based upon data we’ve seen and will be getting boosters around 6 months post second shot.


Medical boy said it again the last time we talked, “I wish anyone who didn’t believe in the vaccine (or Covid) had to work for a week in the Covid ICU halls - even if they are just the janitor.”


Well that didn’t take long. Texas gov updates the covid vax-mandate ban to include FDA-approved versions.

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aka why we can’t have nice things.