Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Based on 30% of hospitalized patients coming from 65% of the population, versus 70% of hospitalized patients coming from 35% of the population, vaccination there has about 77% effectiveness against needing hospitalization.

Also, that page says that “In short, Balcezak said he does not believe the bulk of the recent increase in cases are the result of a waning of the vaccine’s effectiveness, but on the delta variant’s increased viral load in individuals that are infected with it.”


Yes, I wish the public would understand that as more people are vaccinated, of course there will be a higher percentage of hospital patients that are vaccinated. Taking it to the extreme, if everyone were vaccinated, 100% of people in the hospital would be vaccinated. But if course, that still means many fewer people would be in the hospital than if there were no vaccine.


I did not question the efficacy nor speculate on the reason why this is happening. My point is, they are not being truthful when they report that it is only unvaccinated in the hospitals. It is not. If they were honest, I think more vaccinated people would be taking precautions to help keep themselves safe.


On Facebook last night someone I had lunch with 9 days ago (outdoors) was in the hospital getting MA treatment for Covid. She said she had been sick for a week, which freaked me out. I remember at our lunch that she had gotten JnJ a while back. I am very perturbed that when she found out, likely a few days after our lunch, that she did not tell me. I took a rapid at home test this am that was negative. I have no discernable symptoms (just typical crap), plus someone I had been in contact with would have likely gotten Covid if I was asymptomatic. So my Moderna plus outdoor dining might have worked.
I have a regular Dr’s appt tomorrow. I am going to ask if they can tell how my antibodies are doing, and what their thoughts are on boosters. I am just about 6 months out from my 2nd vaccine.


I would be perturbed also that she didn’t at least inform you that she has a case of breakthrough Covid.

One of our neighbors also got breakthrough Covid. He contacted all who had contact with him and that person contacted the people he had contact with. Also got tested.

Sorry that happened.

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Maybe it’s because I look at Covid news in more depth with reports and similar, but I haven’t seen them say it’s only the unvaccinated in hospitals in quite some time now, esp with older and immune compromised people. That’s why we planned over a couple months ago to be isolated prior going to FIL’s again.

I’ve been posting these a couple of times before too. It’s not where we live, but it’s a hospital that posts more info than most. Their numbers have stayed pretty steady, though I don’t look every day:

1 Like estimates that you had a ~0.1% chance of getting COVID-19 from her in this scenario if she had COVID-19 at the time, you had Moderna vaccine, and you had a 60 minute outdoor meal with no masks and normal talking.

If indoor, it would estimate ~2%. If indoor and you were unvaccinated, it would estimate ~10%.


I agree they do seem to focus mainly on the unvaccinated patients as opposed to reporting on the entire picture. Obviously people that are unvaccinated are more likely to get sick and end up in the hospital. The vaccine is not a silver bullet that guarantees no risk and the media shouldn’t avoid reporting that fact. That seems to be the issue these days. Many things are reported a certain way to give only part of a story as opposed to reporting all the facts and letting the audience see what is happening. It’s another reason there is mistrust around news reporting. Many outlets have an angle one way or another they are focusing on. Just report the facts.


@ucbalumnus respectfully it’s not about the chance of transmission. We all who are here probably should know that our chance of contacting Covid is very low. Especially outdoors.

It’s about what is the right, polite and moral thing you should do if you contact breakthrough Covid. And the right thing is to contact a person you’ve had contact with mere days before a positive test.

And not post on Facebook that you are in the hospital or receiving treatment because of your symptoms


Here are a few interesting articles:

This video summarizes several studies showing that the side effect risks of taking the vaccine are a lot smaller than the risks of not taking the vaccine.

But, here is the sheer craziness of our political situation. In Lee County, FL, the School Board issued a 30 day mask mandate. People are screaming at each other outside the building where the meeting took place (I think). A little bit of fisticuffs broken up by police. And anti-vaxxer shoved two female doctors to prevent them from entering the building if I understand it correctly.


But that will not stop presymptomatic spread which is what makes COVID-19 such a public health problem. The virus is most contagious for a few days before symptoms start, and symptomatic people are less likely to be out and about anyway.

Asymptomatic people are unlikely to get tested because they do not know, and may actively avoid testing to avoid a 10 day quarantine possibility.

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Agreed. What’s interesting from my perspective is not the effectiveness of the order but the potential shift in views in a relatively anti-vax state.

Kudos to the school superintendent, but yes, crazy times.

For me (personally) watching the video the saddest thing is seeing the lady wearing the “Jesus” t-shirt. Apparently she and I don’t read the same Bible or at least she skips the verses about loving her neighbor and being kind to one another. Her version must have something to the effect of, “it’s all about me and I’ll be in your face to get my way.”

Christians wonder why many look down upon them now. (I get junk mail letters about it all the time, usually asking for donations - which they don’t get from me.) Spokespeople like her speak volumes, and to me, the sad part is it’s not the Christianity my Bible talks about and encourages. (sigh)


When religion got mixed up with politics, we always end up with an intractable problem.

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@creekland, I sent the photo of how your hospital is reporting covid stats to our Lt Gov, asking if we can report like them, to emphasize the vaccines are working to minimize hospitalizations and severe outcomes. Will see what he says.


It’s actually not my hospital. It’s one near one of H’s classmates from high school. H showed it to me some time ago. I agree with you that I really like it though and wish all hospitals would do it while Covid is a big thing.

Good idea sending it to someone who might be able to get hospitals to do something like it.

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This surprises me. I know they’re 2.5 hours apart, but Houston is such a healthcare Mecca. I just would have assumed that a city like Austin would have great care.

See, I don’t see reports like that. Our state does not show cases by vaxx status. I just happened to be reading the article and saw the stats. It surprised me because of everything I’m hearing. Right before I read that article, I saw a FB post by a dr. friend of a friend who said he had no vaxxed people in his hospital (in CT).

When I hear a news report about Covid hospitalizations, what I hear is almost all of them are unvaccinated. Not all are unvaccinated, but nearly all are. Sounds truthful to me.


It would be nice to see actual data to back up statements like almost all

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