Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Planning ahead and being prepared is always a good idea, regardless of vax status. Those who start the vax series now would probably need to test during the interim, correct?

Well, good luck with that. I totally support schools that mandate vaccinations. I don’t understand your mindset. It’s so discouraging to me.


I think testing is required regardless of vaxxed status.

Does seem onerous to require vaxxed employees to also provide their own tests. And the reason cited is low vax rates among the student population? Or they could just require the kids to vaxx up. SMH.

Good thing homeschooling is always an option.


While I am glad you won’t be attending school with my family members, I nonetheless hope you somehow manage to avoid catching and/or spreading the virus, and that your non-mandate school of choice manages to avoid major outbreaks and online classes.


A. What if I have a medical condition? Do you still feel good about that?
B. I pay money to get educated not to be forced to do anything

Also, no mandating vaccinating is a violation of right also is medical discrimination. My mindset? You don’t even know me. You’re trying to assume that you know me or anything about me yet I didn’t even say nor do anything wrong. I don’t think it’s discouraging at all quite frankly. I was responding to the original post.

Yeah that’s true. I actually plan to be on campus though. I know that some schools are being more flexible by offering more online courses to students which is helpful.

Just a quick question as I’m curious, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. Are you a completely unvaccinated person? No measles, mumps, polio, meningitis

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I haven’t caught it yet. I am too busy studying and maintaining my GPA to even worry about stuff like that since I’m never out. Thanks! Yeah it just depends on the school. I know certain schools have certain protocols. I know that a lot of schools are doing hybrid mode. None of my schools have had major outbreaks thankfully.

If you have a medical condition, I feel even stronger that you should be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been required of students for a very long time and you are not being discriminated against.

Yes, I’m discouraged. My unvaccinated aunt has been to the ER due to COVID twice this week and her husband (who has cancer, there’s a medical condition for you) and pregnant granddaughter, who they live with, still refuse to get vaccinated. Their behavior is ignorant and dangerous. My sister and I have told them they’re not welcome to visit my dad (he didn’t argue with us).


I believe most if not all schools provide exceptions for legit medial reasons.

Good luck finding a school with no rules or requirements.


Actually, no it’s not. There are medical conditions where medically a patient is highly recommended against the vaccine. I know that immunization forms like measles and such have been required at schools. I think it depends on the school and your age though if I am not mistaken.

I am very sorry that happened to your aunt! That really is very sad. Hmmm that seems a bit extreme for not allowing family members. I don’t think it’s ignorant at all but then again idk them personally. Also, I don’t think this is the website for all of this
I just responded to the post so I am not sure how it became all of this suddenly.

I think the online option is starting to go away at many schools. It’s a pain for the instructors and if the instructors have to be in person, whey shouldn’t the kids? If vaccination is offered and you choose not to get it, why should they accommodate you?

Colleges require all sorts of shots, including the flu shot. I think most will eventually require the covid shot too now that it’s approved, if they don’t already. But if this is very important factor to you, I’m sure you’ll find some that don’t. Unfortunately, their policies this year might be different from their policies next year so it’s hard to know.

Good luck to you! I have a family member who felt just like you. She is currently at home alone with a bad case of covid and her husband is hospitalized. She is upset because when she called to ask why he was on a liquid diet she was told that it’s because with his symptoms they want him on liquids in case he needs to ventilated. She’s terrified. I can’t tell you how many times she has told me over the course of the last year that “this is just the flu” and “people aren’t getting really sick from this”. It’s not a big deal to people until it’s actually a big deal. Her 91 year old father just tested positive as well after spending time with them last week. Luckily he’s vaccinated so is symptom free so far.


Yes and I will look into the schools that do. I know that even then you have to take a lot of covid test a week. I’m better off wearing a mask in class but at this point I have already applied to schools so we shall see what happens.

Actually, there are very selective schools that have no requirement but I do believe you have to show proof of immunization (non covid related).

Have you only applied to schools without a vaccination mandate?

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Sounds like A&M would be your best fit. Please wear a mask to protect yourself and everyone else around you. And get some rest, eat healthy, try to lower your stress. If you’re tired or stressed you’ll let your guard down. Be safe!


If you have a medical condition that would actually exempt you from mandatory vaccines, then it’s eve more important that everyone else is vaccinated to protect you.

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Really? That’s interesting! A lot of my schools have online classes for majority of classes (there are exceptions). So I guess colleges are just playing it by ear. I definitely think it should be an option yes! Forced is the key word but if it is optional then that is fine.

Really? I was never asked for proof of the flu shot before. Maybe that is for certain schools. That’s true! I am actually reading their policies and most are playing it by ear. They’re encouraging mask and have portals to upload proof of vaccination but that’s about it. We shall see what happens!

What do you mean felt like me? Never did I state if it was like the flu or not. Nor did I state anything else. All I did was respond to the post saying my parent told me that they won’t get it and I said I personally wouldn’t go to a school that forces the vaccine. I however, would go to a school that encourages it. I think people will be more comfortable getting it with that approach. You know? With all due respect I don’t know you personally nor do you know me. That is horrific! I am so so sorry that happened. I hope she gets better!

There is an A&M in each of Alabama, Florida, and Texas, all of whose state governments disallow or restrict universities from requiring COVID-19 vaccine.