Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Many years ago there was a measles or mumps case (I can’t remember which) at my work. We were all told we could not work until we provided proof of having had it or having had the vaccination. I was one of many children. My mother thought I had it but couldn’t remember and our child hood pediatrician had long since retired and I didn’t know how to find the records. So I tried to get vaccinated and they said No without a blood test being run. So I had my blood tested and they said I was not immune to Rubella. So I tried to schedule a vaccination. 4 different Drs refused because I was a woman of child bearing age. The 5th agreed, until I got to the office then they said no. I had to fight like hell to get that vaccination so that I could return to work. And I missed a LOT of work because of it.
So sorry if I I also don’t buy into all of the rhetoric about how easy it is to get a vaccination and this is not even the same thing with new technology. We are comparing apples to oranges when we compare childhood vaccinations with the Covid vaccine.

I’m sorry you haven’t seen your father. That’s very sad and I get it. I have seen my 90 year old mother several times.
You made a choice. We made a choice. You have every right to make the choices you have made. I support that and I understand. My mother and I have the right to make the choices we have made and it’s worked out well for us. We take precautions but we have been together.

The difference to me is you want every one to make the same choices you’ve made and I think everyone has the right to make their own choices whether I agree with them or not.



When my daughter was 8 months old, she suddenly developed a giant strange rash and we took her to the ER. We’d been there about half an hour when these two residents came in and hustled us out of the waiting room and down a long hall to a giant empty sort of meeting room and told us to stay put, no explanation. This was pre-smartphone, so we had no clue what was going on and no way to communicate with the world outside the room. After about 20 minutes, I wondered if we’d just been forgotten, and I went out to find out what was up – and I ran into the residents, who literally blanched and hustled me right back into the room.

Turned out some pair of morons had brought in their unvaxed kid who had measles. The exposure in the waiting room would’ve been brief, and the residents didn’t really know what to do, but offered the MMR – four months early.

Did it really make sense after a possible exposure? Would the immune challenge be a bad thing if she had been exposed? I had about ten minutes to decide, and in the end I thought, you know, she’s a big chunky kid and usually very healthy, yes this autism business is flying around, but yeah, sure, MMR’s been around forever, probably won’t hurt, might help?

She got the vax, she didn’t get measles, the rash was nothing. But to this day I might have to be restrained if I met those parents on the street.


Yes, but at what cost (lives lost, not financial)?

It’s not crap, it’s just too risky to recommend to everyone.

Better than the alternative.

I’d argue flu.

We’ll have more data in the future regarding natural immunity versus vaccination. But for now, natural infection + vaccination are superheroes! New Studies Find Evidence Of 'Superhuman' Immunity To COVID-19 In Some People : Goats and Soda : NPR


Influenza: yearly, even if the influenza strains are the same as last year.
Td or Tdap: every 10 years.


Another punishment. Why do I have to pay for this? Unvaccinated U.S. Covid Patients Cost $5.7 Billion To Treat In Last 3 Months, Study Finds


There’s a difference between opinions and behaviors.

Also, you can be of the opinion that you can drive 100 miles an hour through a school parking lot, but does that mean we should be ok with you doing it?


Strange… my experience is that adult MMR vaccines are easily available at pharmacies, no requirement to get antibody titers. says that “Adult women of childbearing age should avoid getting pregnant for at least four weeks after receiving MMR vaccine.” It does not say that they cannot or should not get the MMR vaccine. Indeed, getting the MMR (or R) vaccine before getting pregnant is desirable if rubella immunity is in question.

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So now they should be treated like lepers?

By the way the people getting vaccinated are supposedly protected from the virus and thus the unvaccinated. Why is it that the majority vaccinated act more like they’re unvaccinated than those who are actually unvaccinated?


Seriously? They’re all taxpayer funded. ALL recipients should have to be vaccinated.


I agree. It was not easy. I had to practically sign my life away that I would not get pregnant. And even then they didn’t want to give it to me. It was crazy.

You can. You choose not to. Either you trust that the vaccine will do it’s job or you don’t.


Most ridiculous comparison I’ve ever heard.

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It’s not a booster. It’s a new vaccine. With a new combo every year.

Because we are not protected from needing an ER for a heart attack and getting turned away because it is full of unvaxxed covid patients. We are not protected from Ruinous insurance premium hikes and tax hike due to the shared cost of all this. And we are not protected from the inevitable shutdowns that come when unvaxxed have outbreaks in schools, jobs, etc. So yes, I care a lot about whether others are vaxxed. I have to.


That’s so weird. I got a MMR vaccine at age 31 when I took my two kids to a public health event. No questions. No swearing that I wouldn’t get pregnant. It was listed in the information they gave me so perhaps they mentioned it.


No more ridiculous than suggesting that “criminals” are more welcomed in society than the unvaxxed. When it comes to vaxx and mask mandates, “Criminals” (however you are identifying them since there are lots of people who commit crimes and never get caught) have to abide by the same rules or they will not be able to participate the same as any other unvaxxed/unmasked person.


So tetanus and whooping cough. Everyone in CA was urged to get a whooping cough booster if they were going to be around young children just a few years ago. Are you willing to let this go now?

Actually this would work out great. With hold work and school from the unvaccinated, which in turn reduces self sufficiency. Without self sufficiency they become impoverished which in turn causes them to be eligible for the entitlements. All while remaining unvaccinated.

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Historical annual reformulations of the influenza vaccine - Wikipedia indicates that:

  • No changes between:
    • 2002-2003 and 2003-2004
    • 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
    • 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
  • In years when the influenza strains changed, often only one out of three or four strains changed.