Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

If more people cared about others and would look at real data, stories like these wouldn’t be happening. It’s both super sad, and super infuriating. It’s also why I no longer care about the health outcomes of the unvaxxed who could have been vaxxed. They don’t care who dies because of them, so I don’t care about their outcomes if they draw a short straw.

I also feel beds should be saved for those without Covid issues, maybe not at each hospital, but at least within each region.


I have been following her story–so enraging.

I don’t believe unvaccinated people think others are dying because of them. My understanding from the vaccine reluctant in my family is that they believe people are dying because the effective treatments (ivermectin, etc) allowed in Europe aren’t allowed here. They think if people got those treatments early enough then they wouldn’t die. So, in their opinion, it’s improper medical care, not the unvaccinated, that’s killing people.

Those that think that COVID 19 is a hoax, don’t even believe that people are dying from COVID at all.

I hear the same fallacies. They refuse to look at the actual data - only statements from those they want to believe. I’m not sure why these folks would even go to hospitals vs self-treating TBH.

That’s for those who feel Covid exists. There are also those who think it’s a hoax and people are actually dying from other things, but it’s getting listed as Covid to keep the hoax alive.

Some have to learn the hard way. Others will never learn. Same deal with hardening my sympathy TBH.


Mandate for all 12 and older and 5-11 year olds will be added when the vaccine gets approved for them.


How much do you know about people with schizophrenia and the medications available to them? Much more complicated than “self harm.”

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Please read my entire comment. I was actually condemning the judgment of others and ridiculing people in death.

Yes I shared that half of people with schizophrenia do not believe they’re ill and that’s part of the illness. They don’t take meds because they don’t think they’re ill. Totally different from people making a decision to do something irresponsible.


Medications for psychosis are not perfect and have some awful side effects. They are much better than the first generation but far from perfect.

My son has schizophrenia so I know all about it, unfortunately.

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OMG. I started crying as I read this. I want to shake every single selfish jerk who is unvaccinated because they think they are special or believe stupid lies. That is the most frustrating, infuriating, dreadful story I’ve read.

A bit of a rambling rant now…

A couple of days ago my sister was with my stepmom, who is resisting getting a booster. She listens to liars on Fox. She listens to my antivax brother in a low-vax state who is telling her not to get a booster. Never mind that covid destroyed her vision and who knows what will happen if she gets it again. Fox News was on and Laura Ingraham told a bald-faced lie which my sister immediately spoke up about. She showed my stepmom proof of the lie. My sister told her that every single one of the liars she watches on Fox are vaccinated.

People who think the issue is not having the right medicines to fix the problem, or that illegal aliens or tourists (really? Wonder how much tourism is going on in Mississippi right now) are the problem, are choosing to blame anything but the face in the mirror. People make choices to believe lies. Being poor or not having a college degree doesn’t mean people choose to believe liars.

I grew up poor. I ate “welfare food” and put bread bags over my shoes when it snowed. I literally lived in a trailer with no electricity. My mom still ensured we got all our shots. Before she died last year, she was hoping a vaccine would come soon. She listened to experts and not fake news. She lived in a not-wealthy area where she and her neighbors wore masks. They made choices to help others stay safe.

Willful ignorance is a choice, regardless of economic status.


I have now given 4 speeches to several hundred employees on the covid vax requirements. At every single session, I got numerous questions about what will happen if the employee dies or is disabled from the vax. I was stunned. Clearly we need to do more to get the message out there that the shot is safe.


I love of good Princess Bride reference!

No words…

I think it hits us all who have aging parents or in-laws who have suffered in the past 18 months, did everything right, are trying to remain independent, and… for this to happen… it really hit me hard because it could have been me, my parents, my in-laws (although none live on a ranch, they’re all independent and doing okay at their own pace).
I’m a bit more lenient than some on this board with regards to mandates, but for health care workers and anyone who comes in contact with fragile, vulnerable or older people, nope. Actually vaccination should be a general mandate (not just for covid but for measles, etc) for anyone working with small children, the elderly, and patients.

@roycroftmom : Yes, there’s always an irrational worry a vaccine is dangerous. It doesn’t matter that covid is more dangerous. If you get vaxxed you KNOW the vaccine will be in you whereas there’s always a possibility the virus could go hit someone else’s lungs or kidneys. So you want to make sure that thing is safe. BUUUUUUUUTTT now literally hundreds of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions have been vaccinated and are okay and protected (I add that, with all the antivax people, if there’d been deaths from vaccines we’d have heard of it because they’re closely tracking that. “And it’s not happened, so…”.)


Of course I agree. But I was stunned so many had this irrational fear.

I understand and respect what you are saying.
So this happened yesterday on FB:
How does one prevent something like this from happening? The poor boy did everything right. The immune system is complex. You can have antibodies, either from natural infection or vaccination. I’m not arguing that one is better than the other. Antibodies are one part of the equation. We haven’t begun to discuss other components of the immune system or antibody affinity or avidity (you can have antibodies but the interaction with the virus isn’t strong enough to defeat the infection). This is why I’m pro-vaccination for all. The only way to stop the above from occurring (and I shudder to think that that could be my child or anyone else’s - that poor boy and his family!) is vaccinating >90% of the world’s population. Vaccinating diminishes spread, decreases the likelihood of mutations, squashes its numbers. If we had >90% vaccination in the US this summer, I believe that young man would be at the ACL fest in Austin right now. I’m not arguing with you about being lenient on mandates - I respect your opinion and am not asking you to change it. Just showing why I am a bit more aggressive than you in wanting more people to get vaccinated.


I wonder how many of those who are sure they’ll be just fine with Covid due to the odds being so low that a bad case can’t happen to them are also buying lottery tickets for Powerball convinced they have a good shot of winning, or at least as good as the next person.


To be clear, I’m not against vaccine mandates, I actually support them but don’t think we can implement them everywhere and for all. I just figure, with so many to convince, those near vulnerable people should be absolute priority and if that fails, they can’t come near those they might kill or disable.
That’s a start.
I see them as Typhoid Marys :frowning: except we know better and they know better than Typhoid Mary. :cry:

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