Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion


But the bigger point imo is that covid isn’t being over reported if the number of deaths went up as much as it did.


And post-covid deaths caused by internal damage from covid, so recorded as “stroke” or “diabetes” rather than covid. I notice that people have been incredibly averse to listing covid as cause of death in obits, and I’m guessing there’s some pressure to ascribe the deaths to anything but covid if possible. As with suicide.


According to the Economist, between the beginning of the pandemic and August 20, there there were at least 788,460 “excess deaths” in the US, but only 614,640 reported covid deaths.


Ugh. We had cautiously decided to host thanksgiving for my BIL and SIL. DH reached out today just to confirm that everyone is vaxxed and NONE of them are! Both families say they’d “rather not get into a discussion” about it.

I am so upset. Can anyone link the app that lets you rate how risky an activity is (indoor vs outdoor, vaxxed vs unvaxxed etc)?

I can’t imagine we will still have Thanksgiving now. It is too risky for what i have read, and it also says volumes about them, which would be hard to set aside for me.


We had lunch with my parents yesterday and discussed Thanksgiving for this year. My parents have always hosted Thanksgiving and my mom was very sad last year when she wasn’t able to. Since we are in Southern California we can set up indoors and outdoors at their house. My niece told my mom she wants to come from Oklahoma with her 10 year old son. My mom said she will only let them come if my niece is fully vaccinated. Everyone at Thanksgiving is fully vaccinated except my brother’s 3 little kids under 6. My parents have now received their boosters and my brother and SIL are scheduled to get a booster this week since they originally got the J&J vaccine.


I am guessing, but I am sure the stats for 2021 will probably show a marked increase in all types of death.

My dad is a sad example of why. He got Covid in Dec 2020, which effectively caused his prostate cancer to metastasize very rapidly all over his body within a couple of months. When he died early in March, he was absolutely riddled with cancer. But it was his heart that gave out in his weakened state, and his cause of death was listed as heart failure.

Sorry for being graphic. I find it sad and infuriating that people are only worried that it’s JUST covid. It’s all those other preexisting conditions that can become far more deadly, destructive, or disabling when attacked by covid. And maybe there are no preexisting conditions. There are too many stories of a fit and healthy person succumbing to the disease. And they are worried about not be able to go into a restaurant. SMH.


Exactly. I feel like smacking anyone who says, “But he had an underlying condition!” Why is it so hard for people to understand my dad is surviving an underlying condition but if he gets the virus it will kill him? It doesn’t seem like that hard a concept to grasp.


I think we may possibly have a crisis level event in regards to vaccine mandates and how the vaccine reluctant may push municipalities and companies to think hard about implementing mandates, especially those in some lower paying professions. Here is an article on the NYPD and NYFD.

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NYPD pay starts at $42,500, increasing to $85,292 at 5.5 years, according to Police Officer Salary & Benefits - NYPD . FDNY pay appears similar, according to Firefighter - JoinFDNY .

Are these “lower paying professions” (among NYC government employees or in general)?

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Plus there is zero guidance in how to implement the supposed religious exemptions to the mandate. Companies are supposed to approve if they are “sincerely held” objections. No guidance on how to judge that. Many will simply approve all.

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I’m so sorry Linda. I have an aunt (83yrs) who was wonderful and active and lively. She got Covid last December in LA and had a stroke. Because of the slammed hospital situation, she wasn’t able to get quick treatment and is now totally incapacitated, mentally and physically. It is heartbreaking and she’s on hospice. Death will be a release, but I doubt it will be attributed to Covid, even though the stroke was a result of the clotting issues from Covid and the delay in treatment was caused by the pandemic.

My thoughts are more about lower paying professions in general who may use mandates. At a minimum, I believe that inflation may grow quickly as employers have to use wages to entice employees to lower paying vaccine mandated jobs, but we will see.

Boston Globe headline: 1600 state employees still not vaccinated after deadline. Sounds like a lot, headline going for the sensational, but in context, there are over 40,000 state employees. So the headline could have also read: 96% of state employees vaccinated at deadline.

But…that’s not how you sell papers or get clicks.


Covid is the leading cause of death among police in the US. A cop is 5x more likely to die from covid than gunfire. And yet many will happily strap on a hot, heavy, bulky bulletproof vest every single day while refusing a 3 second vaccine. Strange times we live in.


And legitimately, there are ~5% (or perhaps even as high as 10%) of employees with valid medical exemptions.

Looks like a lot of California State employees are not interested in getting vaccinated…MSN

They offer testing as an option. If they didn’t, it would be interesting to see how many opt for the vaccine. In stories I’ve seen most (big majority) get vaxxed rather than giving up their jobs. Where I’ve seen it happen giving up a job doesn’t mean they can collect unemployment because they are parting ways due to not wanting to work there anymore vs being fired or losing a job without cause.

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WSU decided to get very specific about what constitutes a religious exemption:

I am wondering how much vaccine reluctance there is going to be from the parents of the 5-11 year-olds. Since the cases are going down in many areas, will many parents decide not have their young children be immunized?