Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Yes, Moderna is much rarer here.

Pfizer offered here. In our pharmacies and our physicians office.

I’m in Michigan though and it’s manufactured here. Don’t know if that makes a difference.

I thought that the rules changed and Pfizer did not have to be ultra freezed? Probably not the correct way to say lol

Johnson & Johnson does not seem to be available in my area for some reason. Or harder to find.

I was hoping stuff (wanted to use a different word) like that would not become part of the regulations, but I guess that’s too much to ask from bureaucrats. Great example of how regulations end up costing us all.

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No longer need to fire? If employees can fire unvaxxed employees, then the “education and counseling” sounds like an avoidable hassle.


Here in San Diego, the closest CVS had only Moderna when I searched boosters; the next two closest had only Pfizer. When I searched children’s doses last night, there were far fewer CVS offering it (none in my immediate neighborhood) - but those had plenty of slots starting November 10.

Rady Children began offering the kid doses ASAP, which makes sense because their patients are most likely to be immune compromised. Rady Children's Hospital starts vaccinating kids 5-11

Would you like our public contracts to simply stop being performed? There is a labor shortage. If we fire these people, they likely can not be replaced. Of course, maybe the government could give us more money for these programs, and to hire replacements as well. Costs can be passed along to taxpayers.


For longer term storage, the Moderna vaccine requires a regular freezer, but the Pfizer vaccine requires a super freezer. The Pfizer vaccine may be stored up to two weeks in a regular freezer.

After thawing, both can be stored in a refrigerator for a month.

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The lawyers for my husband’s company determined that they are a federal contractor and announced today that everyone must be vaccinated by mid December.

The email system is being bogged down by the anti-vaxxers. It seems to be very intentional.

As I told my husband, this is America, you have choices. You don’t have to be employed by his good paying company.

The company also determined that any outside contractors also have to be vaccinated.


many prime contractors are preparing for substantial disruptions starting in mid-December in contract performance. we have already identified which of our contracts are likely to have substantial staffing problems and will need to be suspended. The rates for these multi-year public contracts were set long ago, and did not take into account vax issues or costs.

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When their jobs are at issue, many anti-vaxxers tend to have a change of heart. Some may not, but like every other company, yours will have to weigh the costs and benefits of playing along with these people.


FOX commentators are not anti-vax and almost all are fully vaccinated. They simply believe in individual rights and choice.

Can you blame people for being resistant with all the flip-flopping in recommendations? I was just with someone who did fine with the first two Pfizers but had a serious medical reaction to the booster. He says no more.


I support vaccines. I even support vaccine mandates. But don’t push the cost and effort to private companies when the federal government could do so much more on its own to address it. Many other countries require vax for air or train travel and have vax passports. We could have followed that strategy and required a code to get thru airport security.


I’d be all for those other options in addition to the mandate on federal contractors and other employers, but the backlash to a “vax passport” would be enormous, and it is understandable from a political perspective why they have taken the path they have.

In short, mandates tied to employment work when it comes to getting people vaccinated. And, frankly, when I read about companies bending over backward to appease the anti-vaxxers, I can’t help but think that the problem is at least in part of their own making.


deleted for privacy reasons

Well, me too. Only on the other side. I’ve let go of classroom teaching in the land of “covid is a state of mind (for libtards)” and I just went out and got a couple other (better, better paid, more fun, remote) jobs, so if they decide they want to fuss at me about coming in and add me to the employee exodus, ain’t no problem.

I have literally never seen so many terrific jobs open at one time in my life. For the first time ever, I regret that there’s only one of me. If I can survive working this much – and as an empty-nest single mom, I bet I can – this house will be paid off before the kid hits junior year.

As for Walgreens etc., they’re desperate for techs in there. They’re already running on fumes trying to get boosters, flu shots, Shingrix and the rest into people’s arms, and I don’t know who’s supposed to show up and give all the injections to kids. If there’s a pharmacy program near you, even a community college one, and you’re seeing signing-bonus offers up at the local pharmacy, talk to the head of the pharm program and ask if they’ll consider mobilizing the troops, giving the drugstores a fighting chance.


I have no problem with people who aren’t vaccinated losing jobs. People’s lives and right to live without potential major medical issues are more important to me (similar to no smoking in public laws), and quite frankly, I want to see Covid in the rear view mirror even if it never completely goes away.

The one exception I would make if I were making the decisions is to allow proof of Covid immunity via a blood test to count.

When medical lad was getting ready to start his job he had to have his blood tested for several things, and if immunity wasn’t there, people had to get vaxxed for it to work. He called home to let us know he definitely had the chicken pox when he was a toddler. It had been such a mild case, we always wondered if it “worked,” but his doctor at the time said it would, so we didn’t get the shot. The doctor was correct. His blood showed the proof.

Doing the same for Covid as with other vaccines makes sense to me.

But otherwise, no one has the “right” to keep any sort of job when public health is at stake. People can choose to give jobs up if they wish to. I’m fine with it.


Flip flopping? No. This disease is new. The vaccine is new. The treatments are new. Researching, testing, studying, revising guidelines as new knowledge is acquired. That’s NOT flip flopping.

And if it is, give me that over people who cut their nose off to spite their face, and drag others to sickness or death along with them.


Or they’re more likely opportunists. They want to protect themselves but still want their followers to believe that they believe in the same thing.


Our pediatrician (DC area) says they will have it soon for kids 5-11. I wonder if they will do it “clinic-style” like they do flu shots.

Our town just announced vaccine clinics in the elementary schools starting next week for 5-11.